Introducing Tokopedia’s Share Address: a More Seamless Gifting Experience

Tokopedia’s newest feature allows you to exchange addresses with friends and family with just a few clicks!

Wahyu Ivan Satyagraha
Life at Tokopedia
4 min readJan 31, 2023


We live in a country where kindness can be manifested in different ways, one of which is through sharing. Indonesian people love to exchange presents with their friends, families, and loved ones. In fact, we celebrate several special occasions that traditionally call for gift-giving, such as Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Eid al-Fitr, to strengthen the bonds between people and manifest kindness toward one another.

However, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wanted to send a gift or parcel, but you had to manually enter the recipient’s address? That’s not a problem if you’re sending something to one or two people, but can you imagine typing in the address of 10 different recipients? In this case, your act of kindness becomes an arduous, time-consuming task.

Let’s break it down to the steps you have to go through. Let’s say you want to send gifts to five different people living in five different locations. First, you need to ask for their addresses. Once every person gets back to you, you need to manually type in their addresses one by one. Yes, that’s right, one by one! What a tedious — and not to mention tiring — process! But it’s something you have to go through so that you can send them their well-deserved gifts.

But what if a feature exists that can simplify the process; make it faster and more seamless? What if there’s a feature that can break the process down to only a couple of clicks instead of 15–20 minutes of typing?

Well, let us introduce you to Tokopedia’s Share Address feature.

Share Address allows you to share your address with other Tokopedia users within the Tokopedia ecosystem. The feature itself can be used in two ways:

  1. Request and Share

Basically, this enables you to send your family or friends a request for the email or phone number that’s associated with their Tokopedia account. They’ll then receive a notification that will redirect them to an address list page, where they can choose which address to send to you. You need to save the address before it can officially be a new address on your account.

2. Direct Share

This allows you to take the initiative and directly share your address with friends/family without waiting for them to request it. Your friend/family would need to save the address and phone number associated with your Tokopedia account before the information can be available to them.

You can use all the addresses collected with the Share Address feature to check out any goods/products you wish, just like you would with addresses you input manually. Furthermore, to protect everyone’s personal data, the feature will not allow you to share with others the addresses and phone numbers you’ve collected, nor will others be able to share your information. Also, there is no third-party involvement in this feature at all. Your data will only be shared and used within the Tokopedia ecosystem.

In other words, it offers you a much faster and safer way to share your address and phone number. Interested enough to try it on your own?

The process of launching the feature

During the development phase, we understood the importance of keeping users’ personal data private and confidential — especially their addresses and phone numbers. This data is categorized as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data as it directly relates to one user.

To enable this feature, our biggest challenge was to design the safest flow possible for users without compromising the user experience and allowing us to maintain our constant commitment to providing a seamless and easy shopping experience.

We faced numerous challenges and often came to a dead end. But after investing our time in discussions and alignments, we managed to come up with a solution that satisfied all stakeholders while still meeting our safety standards without compromising the user experience at the same time.

Most of all, this feature would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the most amazing team behind it: Achmad Reza V., Aditya Rifaldi, Nuringtyas Rahwinarni, Adib Yusril Wafi, Joel Hutasoit, Erwin Winata, Eka Desyantoro, Andrean Lay, Helmi, Fajar Basoni, Abu Rizal Hanafi, Mochammad Ra’afie Ramadhan, Muhammad Murtadha Ramadhan, Gati Yusrina, Hawwin Barri Falachi, Dimitri, Prajna Vira.

You guys rock!

Where we’re headed next

It has been a month since we released the feature, and we have seen immense enthusiasm from our users, with more and more addresses being shared every day! This tells us that our users are becoming more aware of this feature and are trying to take advantage of its benefits to make their shopping experience on Tokopedia more seamless than ever, especially in terms of sharing and adding new addresses.

As a team that is committed to always giving and doing our best for users, we never consider our work done — not even after the feature is released. The biggest question is: What improvements should be made to enhance the Share Address experience? That’s the very question that we are all eager to answer. We will constantly seek feedback and improve the feature accordingly to offer our customers the solutions they need.

Try the feature now by simply clicking this link, and to learn more about the feature, please visit the following link.

