One-Stop For All Solutions — Go to Our Help Page

Monica Josephine
Life at Tokopedia
Published in
6 min readJun 3, 2021

As an organization that offers a myriad of products and services, it is important that users are able to navigate their needs and wants easily. With every good experience, it is almost impossible to distance our users from glitches, errors, or problems. Fortunately, Tokopedia proudly provides a Help Page as our first line of defense for users to address problems they encounter.

Help Page is the key to solve users’ problems and address questions in the most timely and accurate way possible. This page is the first funnel to get help from the company, as it summarizes and answers commonly asked questions While users can find solutions independently, our customer service agents can direct their focus to help with more complicated issues.

Help Page that Fits a Customer’s Needs

To build an intuitive Help Page, first, we must understand the essential things that make our feature “intuitive” — as in how the Help Page can navigate users with issues and provide seamless self-service support for them. Below are the three step-journey to make our Help Page intuitive: :

  1. Understanding Users’ Needs and Behavior

We distribute surveys to users who recently used the Help Page and ask questions that aim to understand their missions, journey to resolve, pain points, and the overall impressions on how they interacted with the Help Page. Qualitative interview and/or internal data analysis may also complement the findings, as it gives a deeper context from the survey results.

2. Understanding the Comprehension of the Provided Information

After understanding users’ needs and behavior, the next step is to design the Help Page that caters to each of those needs and behavior.

The most vital component of the Help Page that needs to be researched is the content. All information should be understood easily by users. Several testing can be done to achieve this, i.e.: usability testing, A/B testing, and comprehension testing. The results will not only be used to provide digestible contents but also to reiterate the design as well.

3. Reflect with Continuous Feedback
When everything is set, the research for the Help Page does not stop here. Feedback from our users, gathered using CSAT survey to measure customer satisfaction level, will help us develop a Help Page further. .. Data from the CSAT survey can also be integrated with actual complaint data to support findings on Help Page relevancy and capability to solve problems.

Listening to the Voice of Our Customers

With the spirit of Tokopedia DNA #FocusOnConsumer, Tokopedia Care built our Help Page to become intuitive guidance for our users. We strongly value the voices of customers and how they can transcend our product beyond our users’ expectations.

Setting a Standard for Our Intuitive Help Page

Putting those research processes into practice, it is found that Help Page needs to possess the following points to make it “intuitively helping” customers:

1. It has to be Compact and Concise

Getting an answer or solution that is correct, quick, straightforward, and presented in short passages is awesome. We found that our users really favor these four traits as compared to lengthy and wordy articles. To fulfill this, our Help Page presents users with infographics, GIF, or simple step-by-step instructions (example in Figure 1 & 2) to solve their own queries. Above all else, it should feel like it’s written by a human for another human.

Figure 1. Example of Article with Infographics and Bullet Points (source: Tokopedia Help Page)

Figure 2. Example of Article with GIF (source: Tokopedia Help Page)

2. Provide Description, Detail, and Examples
Description, detail, and examples are very important, never assume our users will be able to understand everything immediately. In one specific scenario, some people can perceive and comprehend time differently. For example, a user might be confused when a customer care agent mentions that the problems will be solved tomorrow and this statement can easily be understood differently.

The user might issue another complaint at midnight, as they assumed it’s already “tomorrow”, when in fact, the Customer Care Agent meant “the next 24 hours”. From this example, the takeaway is to maintain all information, both written or verbal, as detailed and descriptive as possible, and if needed also include an example (refer to Figure 3).

Figure 3. Pointing Out The Examples (Source: Tokopedia Help Page)

By doing so, will prevent users from asking the same question over and over again. Even if they do, the Help Page has other options in store for users to refer to.

3. Actively Provide Support using Suggested Article, FAQ, and Invoice Status

Not finding a solution on the first-goes certainly irritating. However, our users shouldn’t worry as the Help Page provides several aids for them to navigate solutions.

First, the Help Page includes a section that summarizes common and basic questions with its answers, which is often known as the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Section. Secondly, the Help Page applies an algorithm that provides users with related articles or information to solve the problem right away.

Lastly, our users will be presented with a variety of articles or information based on the status of their invoices (e.g. payment status, order status, and shipment status) (refer to Figure 4). The article will also alternate when the status changes. Help Page also highlights top information (refer to Figure 5) for users to refer to even when it’s not needed.

Figure 4. Suggested Articles Regarding Unavailable Address (Source: Tokopedia Help Page)

Figure 5. Highlight of Top Information (Source: Tokopedia Help Page)

If these three aids are still not answering our user’s needs, our Customer Service Agents will always be happy to save the day.

Evaluate by Measuring The Efficacy

In the best interest of our users, we should never assume that our service is close to perfect. With the spirit of #MakeItBetter, constant evaluation should be done to keep all information updated. To evaluate, there are two main metrics to measure the efficacy of articles, which are article deflection and article helpfulness to help us determine whether our performance has successfully achieved our goals.

Article deflection is used to determine whether the article has answered the user’s problems based on certain keywords and conditions. On the other hand, article helpfulness is essential to know whether or not a user has been helped by the answer provided. The internal data shows that more than 8 out of 10 users are satisfied with our Help Page.

Continue to Safe the Day using our Help Page

The journey to improving our Help Page doesn’t stop here. Tokopedia believes that providing good services for our customers doesn’t end after a successful transaction between seller and buyer is completed. A good service is when our customers receive a good 360 experience, starting from navigating through our platform, transacting with our sellers, and being able to find solutions when problems are encountered. Thanks to our two DNA #MakeItBetter and #FocusOnConsumer, we are constantly reminded to always excel yesterday for a better tomorrow.

