Tokopedia Connect: Our Bodies, Ourselves

Raveena Fiarani
Life at Tokopedia
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2020

Discussions about health, especially topics related to reproduction, are still often considered taboo as many believe they are only a matter of sexuality. However, if we look at it more closely, discussions on one’s reproductive health consists of very broad topics, including reproductive systems, functions, and processes that we can apply to maintain our health.

However, little is shared regarding legitimate facts and information on human reproductive health. Thus, last month, Tokopedia held our regular online sharing session, Tokopedia Connect, with the theme ‘Reproductive Health’. With dr. Dinda Derdameisya Soedibjo, Sp.OG, as the speaker, we discussed general reproductive health topics, including the overall reproductive health in Indonesia, as well as myths and facts related to reproductive health.

The importance of early reproductive health education

In the session, dr. Dinda explained that early adolescence is a period of rapid physical, social, emotional, and cognitive changes. In addition to adults and people who are married, dr. Dinda stressed how important it is for teenagers to also be taught the foundation of positive sexual and reproductive health outcomes, so that they can develop good habits in maintaining hygiene and health in the long run.

“Teenagers are often informed of tradition, religion, and sex education from external sources, as their parents simply don’t know how to educate them. Therefore, it is important for parents to become ‘friends’ with their children, to be able to more openly and easily talk about these topics from an early age.”

Preventive measures on reproductive health care

Reproductive health is not only about the absence of disease or infirmity — it includes physical, mental and social well-being. Having access to reproductive health services, information about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and physical and mental health services can all help us achieve optimal health and well-being.

Speaking of preventive reproductive health care, dr. Dinda also elaborated on several things that we can do by ourselves. “Avoiding unsafe sex, being aware of contraceptive selection, doing routine screening or Pap smears, carefully determining the age for marriage, and continuously informing ourselves and seeking help if needed are several preventive measures that we can do by ourselves”, dr. Dinda said.

To support further reproductive health checks, we can also use various health applications and online health platforms, as well as find reliable health information sourced from doctors or experts.

Awareness on the importance of learning about reproductive health should be an extremely vital part of our health education. By removing the “taboo” from the topic of reproductive health, Indonesians can better understand the reproductive system and thus make more well-informed decisions in this regard. Consequently, as we know that knowledge is indeed power, the more you know about the matter the more positively this may impact your mental, emotional and physical health.

