START CX FIRST Summit 2022: Tokopedia Care’s First Hybrid Conference

Life at Tokopedia
Published in
6 min readOct 10, 2022

Indonesia’s National Customer Day, which falls on September 4, brings a certain level of festivity to the entire month. For contact center practitioners in Indonesia, this serves as a reminder for companies to adhere to their commitment to raising customer service standards across Indonesia and continuing to improve their customer experience strategies.

In celebration of National Customer Day 2022, Tokopedia Care held its second START CX FIRST Summit on September 8. Held in a hybrid format, the summit brought together customer experience practitioners, experts, and enthusiasts to share their knowledge, experience, best practices, and latest innovations in the field of Customer Experience (EX).

This year, the START CX FIRST Summit was themed “Redefining CX Strategies to Navigate the Complex Future of Business” to shed light on the challenges present in today’s dynamic business environment, especially related to changing customer behaviors and expectations. In a series of nine keynote sessions, a main panel discussion, and 18 talks, participants of START CX FIRST Summit discussed how customer experience practitioners must redefine their strategies to adapt to these changes.

Tokopedia Care: Evolving Beyond Contact Centers by Harmonizing Human Touch and Technology

(Keynote session by Rudy Dalimunthe, Senior Vice President of Sales Operation & Product, Tokopedia)

In this keynote session, Rudy Dalimunthe, Senior Vice President of Sales Operation & Product at Tokopedia, explained how Tokopedia Care has evolved by harmonizing human touch and technology, which throughout the pandemic has been able to deliver the best customer service for Tokopedia customers. The three main innovations that were shared include:

  1. Changing Tokopedia Care service routing from channel-based to separated by the functionality knowledge of each Tokopedia product and service. By doing so, customers will have their solution faster and our Customer FIRST Squad or customer experience team will have time to relay the correct information to customers.
  2. Improving the automation system (Chatbot) to always be reliable in answering simple questions from customers, to help them solve their problems and meet their expectations.
  3. Creating a super culture to support all Tokopedia Care employees to fully work independently from home during the pandemic, despite the need to be always available in order to serve customers at any given time of day.

“Thank you to all the customer experience frontliners in Indonesia. I know the job is not easy, but you are the true protector of Tokopedia’s name and reputation out there.”

Empowering Customer Experience by Elevating Government Initiatives in Digital Transformation

(Keynote session by Astri Wahyuni, Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Government Relations, Tokopedia)

In her keynote session, Astri Wahyuni, Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Government Relations at Tokopedia, explained how Tokopedia supports the government’s Customer Experience agenda, which prioritizes a seamless experience for all Tokopedia customers. Her points can be summarized as follows:

  1. During the pandemic, Tokopedia worked closely with the government to raise awareness about products that can or cannot be sold or bought on Tokopedia through online classes and other socialization platforms.
  2. Tokopedia also collaborated with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (KOMINFO) through Siberkreasi to conduct digital literacy classes (#LiterasiDigital) for Indonesians, during which the Public Policy & Government Relations Team worked closely with the Customer Excellence Team.
  3. Not only did Tokopedia provide a government-focused product/service to support Tokopedia customers, but we also ensured our Customer FIRST Squad had the relevant knowledge to clarify any inquiries/questions raised by the customer.
  4. Tokopedia also traveled to over 200 provinces in Indonesia to collaborate with the local governments to facilitate their tax payment mechanisms.

“In Tokopedia, CX is not only a function or a spirit delivered by the Customer Care team; it’s a mindset that is instilled and carried out in every division in Tokopedia.”

The Secret of Re-engineering Business Operations Without Losing the Human Touch

In the following session, Devy Pranowo as Associate Vice President of Customer Experience at Tokopedia, along with Setiaji, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, and Akhmad Saeful as the Vice President of Corporate Audit, Risk Management, and Business Transformation at PT Paragon Technology & Innovation, also discussed the importance of maintaining humanity when improving and developing a new product as many functions still require a human touch.

Here are several digital innovations made by Tokopedia that kept human touch at their core:

  1. Self-service & automation bot: Enables Tokopedia to optimize our operational costs by using the manpower available more effectively. With this innovation, simple and repetitive questions can be answered by the bot, whereas complex questions from customers can be further analyzed by Nakama.
  2. Personalizations that tap into humanity and technology: As a form of gratitude from Tokopedia to our loyal customers, our technology offers them different types of services based on their membership. This provides customers with the same quality of service but in a much more personalized way.
  3. A super culture for employees and customers: As Tokopedia Care implements Tokopedia’s three DNA principles, with a special focus on our “Focus on Consumer” DNA, we also adopt a unique core value we call FIRST — which means being Friendly, Proactive, Simple, and Trusted — in everything we do.

“Digital transformation is needed to determine our goals in terms of solving customer problems. We don’t innovate to follow trends, we innovate based on what consumers need.”

Drive Business Value Through Customer Engagement

Other interesting sessions were brought by Yudhiaji, Vice President of Physical Goods at Tokopedia, Raihan Al Fauzan, Vice President and Head of Shipper Experience for Ninja Xpress, and Muhammad Taufiqurrakhman, Head of Gojek’s Brand Activation. The trio discussed how Customer Engagement can bring more value to a business by maintaining its relationship with customers, as long as it continues to adapt to changing customer expectations.

(Offline panel discussion at Tokopedia Tower)

Besides focusing on a different theme, this year’s START CX FIRST Summit was special because it was the first time we’ve held a conference in a hybrid format, combining participants’ online presence with an offline experience delivered directly from Tokopedia Tower.

Due to the limited seats available for offline participants, around 100 representatives of Tokopedia’s strategic partners and sponsors were able to attend the event live. Meanwhile, the online panel discussions streamed through the Tokopedia Academy Website, Tokopedia Play, and the Inside Tokopedia YouTube channel had more than 52,000 online views.

Were you one of them? If not, don’t worry, as all the insightful discussions from START CX FIRST Summit 2022 can be watched on the Tokopedia Academy website. You can also experience more exciting moments from START CX FIRST Summit 2022 by watching our after movie below:

See you at next year's START CX FIRST Summit, Toppers!



Life at Tokopedia

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