Aim for Excellent User Experience

The story of Siska Pratiwi, Sr. Communication and Service Culture at Tokopedia

Life at Tokopedia
3 min readApr 24, 2019


As the Senior of Communication and Service Culture at Tokopedia, Siska Pratiwi has done a lot of remarkable works ranging from designing a communication metrics to quantify Tokopedia’s quantitative data to creating communication guidelines for all operation channels. Many people she is working with would describe her as hardworking and driven. However, people don’t necessarily know her stories to becoming the smart, strong and independent woman that she is today.

There is no excuse for you to sacrifice your dreams

Since childhood, Siska has been forged with many experiences that shape her to become someone as strong as she is today, one of which is parental divorce. However, this was not an excuse to dim the achievements she had. Instead, that experience strengthens it and provides a new perspective.

Siska is aware that women and men must be independent. She learned this from her own mother, a strong and independent figure in raising her.

“In my opinion, a child must continue to fight for his dream and not make family problems a reason to give up or do the opposite,” Siska said. She managed to become the best graduate in her Master degree, make proud of her mother who’s sitting on the VIP bench, seeing her child succeed in education.

Interest is often found from learning things we don’t like

For many people, graduating from a university is an emotional experience. There is a feeling of relief and happiness, some feel sad because they have to enter the real world, starting a step in the career world. Siska herself felt both, she was happy but also sad at the same time.

Like scholars in general, Siska at that time began to look for experiences with internships in various places with different positions. She once had an internship as a publicist at one of the companies that required her to work for 12 hours, once working at a start-up language education.

Various experiences turned out to teach Siska many things. She met various types of people with different backgrounds, all of whom left an impression on Siska, “All the people we know will influence us. We must filter it all out, and only leave the good for us to save. It’s useless to accept negative information that dispels enthusiasm. “

Aspiring to make Tokopedia known for the best Customer care and Service experience

At 25 years old, Siska has left an imprint in the lives of so many people, and she continues to make positive imprints in everything she does. Now at just 7 months in Tokopedia, Siska has had a profound impact in helping Tokopedia to achieve their dreams of, “We want Tokopedia to not only be known for the best Technology company in Indonesia, but also for the best customer care and service experience.”

Through Siska’s helped in aligning the corporate culture and SOPs, Tokopedia has received 13 nominations for World Best Customer Experience Award and Contact Center World Award. Her goal is to now bring home the trophy for Tokopedia next year. But, this presents a challenge.

It is an international event and there are thousands of candidates competing for the same award. Furthermore, not everyone in Tokopedia has good English and are confident to present their speeches. Therefore, personal development and training is required. But, the cost of training is expensive.

Siska felt that, “If we didn’t win, all the preparation and investment will all be for nothing.” However, she learned from Rudy, “Win or lose, the fact that we are selected/shortlisted to be in Phuket, it is already good enough. Winning doesn’t always mean coming in first because real victory is arriving at the finish line with no regrets because you know you’ve gone all out.”

Through her upbringing and career journey, Siska learned that: “There’s absolutely nothing we can’t do. We’re far stronger in a lot of ways than men. Emotionally, mentally and often physically.”

