Tokopedia START Summit 2022: Bringing Tech Learning to the Next Level

Andintia Wijayanti Putri
Life at Tokopedia
Published in
7 min readJul 12, 2022

At Tokopedia, our greatest assets include our technology, innovations, and digital tech talents. We believe that what we’ve done for almost 13 years can truly create an impact for a better, more developed Indonesia. However, our technologies and innovations are meaningless if they’re not shared with everyone, especially those in the tech industry.

In the spirit of sharing and learning, through Tokopedia Academy, we are bringing back our biggest technology conference on July 16: START Summit 2022! With the theme “Driving Innovation at Scale”, we at Tokopedia aim to share our knowledge, skills, and experience with the wider tech community so that all of us, together, can initiate and use technological innovations to further advance Indonesia.

What you can expect from START Summit 2022

Last year, START Summit featured 39 speakers covering three tracks (Core Engineering, Infrastructure & Productivity, and Data) across 15 breakout sessions, and gathered over 50,000 participants online.

This year’s event will be even bigger and better! START Summit 2022 is set to feature 66 amazing speakers from Tokopedia and have 30 breakout sessions for participants to join. What’s more exciting is that Tokopedia Academy is offering two additional tracks — which make up a total of five tracks — that include Core Engineering, Infrastructure and Engineering Productivity, Data, Front-End, and Security/Data Protection and Privacy Office/Risk.

Lastly, this year we’ll also have a digital partnership lounge, where participants can view the products and services of our sponsors before entering the breakout rooms.

Greater Variety of Tech Pillars for Digital Talents to Learn From

Apart from Core Engineering, Data, and Front-End, Tokopedia Academy is adding two more pillars to its summit. The team explained that Infrastructure and Engineering Productivity was added because of a rise in interest from the tech community. In addition, we believe it’s important for future digital talents and every tech company to learn how to develop an infrastructure that can run optimally for all of their stakeholders.

At the same time, we can’t over-emphasize how important the Security/Data Protection and Privacy Office/Risk fields are to ensure the security and safety of every company. Surprisingly, however, not many companies focus and put a high priority on these fields. So, through START Summit 2022, Tokopedia is eager to share how security has been and will continue to be one of our main focuses.

What’s on the START Summit 2022 Menu?

Want to know more about the track selections? Check out the topic and speaker lineup for START Summit 2022!

1. Core Engineering

  • Maintain System Resilience with Chaos Engineering by Andreas Wijaya (Technical Architect at Tokopedia) and Dwi Aprian Widodo (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia)
  • Managing Seller API by Resiliency by Paulus Donny Junianto (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia) and Andika Irawan (Engineering Manager of Seller API at Tokopedia)
  • Monitoring Complex Dependencies on One of Tokopedia’s Most Visited Pages by Muhamad Syamsul Huda (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Creating Half a Million Products on the Fly by Somesh Singh (Head of Engineering at Tokopedia) and Ankit Agarwal (Technical Architect at Tokopedia)
  • Anatomy of a Search Engine System by Ardhi Maarik (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia) and Ferianto Surya Wijaya (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Tokopedia Home, Our Face That Never Sleeps by Angga Wiratama (Engineering Manager at Tokopedia)

2. Infrastructure and Engineering Productivity

  • Tokopedia Experience Lab/Tokopedia Device Farm by Muhammad Haqqi Wicaksono (Principal Engineer / Challenged Technical Architect TE-Backend at Tokopedia) and Aldy Wirawan (Engineering Manager-Engineering Productivity at Tokopedia)
  • API Monitoring: Be the First to Know When Your API Has Issues by Faith Olivia (Challenged Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia) and Tika Widiati (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia)
  • Improving Test Automation Effectiveness by Flakiness Detection by Hefdy Wiguna (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia) and Elly Susilowati (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia)
  • How Tokopedia Automates Database Changes Life Cycle by Deni Lukmanul Hakim (Technical Architect at Tokopedia) and Elliot Nicholas (Engineering Manager at Tokopedia)
  • Infrastructure Development Lifecycle Universe by Arif Rahman Ibrahim (System Engineer at Tokopedia) and Qassandra Chaidir (System Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Embracing Infrastructure Observability, One Sentry at a Time by Jason Alexander (Senior System Engineer at Tokopedia) and Ashif Barkhiyya(System Engineer at Tokopedia)

3. Data

  • Engagement Score for Shop Level in Topads by Akbar Maulana (Data Analyst at Tokopedia) and Misael Natanael (Data Analyst at Tokopedia)
  • Logistics Shipment Volume Forecast by Hamimah Alatas (Senior Data Analyst at Tokopedia) and Gati Yusrina (Senior Data Analyst at Tokopedia)
  • Build the Linkage Between Machine Learning and Business Metrics: A Tokopedia Promotion Optimization Example by Wangsheng Liu (Data Science Senior Lead at Tokopedia) and Faldi Sulistiawan (Data Scientist at Tokopedia)
  • Personalizing our Customers’ Browsing Experience by Gaurav Khanna (Data Science Senior Lead at Tokopedia) and Dian Ayuningtyas (Senior Data Scientist at Tokopedia)
  • Customer Segmentation Service by Varun Asija (Data Engineer Lead at Tokopedia) and Deepak Mundhada (Technical Architect at Tokopedia)
  • Building Automation With Apache Airflow by Sulung Suganda (Data Engineer — Ingestion Lead at Tokopedia)

4. Front-End

  • Improving App Stability Using Configuration as a Code by Ilham Jamaludin (Engineering Manager at Tokopedia)
  • Higher Quality of Code Using Composable Architecture in Tokopedia iOS App by Jefferson Setiawan (Principal Engineer at Tokopedia) and Wendy Liga (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Highly Optimized HLS Videos on iOS by Adityo Rancaka (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Maintain Android Apps Performance in Rapid Apps Development by Devara Fikry Akmal (Principal Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Improving Tokopedia Seller Dashboard Stability by Faiz Azmi Rekatama (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia) and Fachran Achmad (Senior Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Adaptive Performance for Faster Web by Dendi Sunardi (Engineering Manager at Tokopedia) and Sherly Septiani (Software Engineer Lead at Tokopedia)

5. Security/Data Protection and Privacy Office/Risk

  • Distributed Tracing and Process Automation of Data Discovery Across Microservices Architecture by Gifari Ramadhan (Data Protection at Tokopedia)
  • Privacy by Design — The New Drivers of Brand, Reputation, and Action by Pradipta Baskara (Data Privacy Lead at Tokopedia)
  • Fraud Detection Using Graph Database (Neo4j) by Muhammad Verly (Software Engineer at Tokopedia) and Andreas Sutantra (Software Engineer at Tokopedia)
  • Protecting Users Against Social Engineering Attack by Bagas Dhanurendra (Head of Risk Management at Tokopedia)
  • Demilitarized Zone & Air-Tight Service Access in Public Cloud Infrastructure by Fauzanil Zaki (Principal Engineer — Security at Tokopedia) and Giovanni Tjahjono (Software Engineer — Security at Tokopedia)
  • Identify, Mitigate, and Monitor Third-Party Risks by Mani Annasamudram (Technical Architect — Security at Tokopedia) and William Chandra (IT Security Associate at Tokopedia)

6. Keynote Session

Last but not least, participants can also join the keynote session with Tokopedia’s key leaders, who will provide insights into the company’s leading-edge range of technologies and innovations developed throughout the years.

The session will feature:

  • Leontinus Alpha Edison, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Tokopedia
  • Melissa Siska Juminto, COO of Tokopedia
  • Herman Widjaja ,CTO of Tokopedia
  • Boris Hajduk, CISO of Tokopedia
  • Nitin Jain, SVP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Manoj Awasthi, SVP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Tahir Hashmi, SVP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Leny Suwardi, SVP of Data Protection & Privacy Office at Tokopedia
  • Ryan De Melo, VP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Piyush Mittal, VP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Rajesh Gopala Krishnan, VP of Engineering at Tokopedia
  • Andrew Jaya Efendi, Technical Fellow at Tokopedia
  • Stephanus Tedy Tandrawijaya, Technical Fellow at Tokopedia
  • Gilang Kusuma Jati, Head of Engineering at Tokopedia

Aspiration for Indonesia and Its Future Tech Talents

Through START Summit 2022 and Tokopedia Academy’s learning ecosystem, we hope to provide an inclusive learning platform for everyone — without limitations. Welcoming participants from various backgrounds, such as students, university students, lecturers, fresh graduates, startup founders, CTOs, and professionals, Tokopedia Academy hopes that the knowledge and insights shared during the summit can be applied to both their personal and professional needs.

Furthermore, the summit aims to stimulate a better understanding of the technology industry and all the challenges, demands, and potential that come with it. Participants can study and learn directly from real-world cases and understand the best practices that have been implemented by Nakama, our tech experts, and Tokopedia.

All of this is to ensure an inclusive learning ecosystem — including Tokopedia Academy’s learning website, programs, and events — that will help progress and accelerate the 9in9 initiative. By doing so, all-digital talents, beginner or professional, can offer their contributions and make a direct impact on Indonesia’s economic development through technology.

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