World Health Day 2021

How Tokopedia contributes to a healthier and fairer world

Kanina Priatna
Life at Tokopedia


On World Health Day celebrated on 7 April 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced a new campaign: To build a fairer, healthier world. Seeing the significant impact of the pandemic on people and vulnerable communities around the world, every country, company, and individual has the responsibility to make the world a healthier and fairer place. At Tokopedia, how are we contributing to this cause?

For an Indonesian technology company like Tokopedia, with an e-commerce platform that serves more than 10 million sellers and over 100 million monthly users across the country, our consumers remain our ultimate priority. In this case, Tokopedia’s consumers refer to numerous important groups within our ecosystem, namely our sellers, buyers, partners, and other stakeholders, including a group that doesn’t often get the limelight, and the ones behind the scenes: our Nakama (employees).


During this period of uncertainty, we have come to understand that a company’s performance is very much dependent on the wellbeing of its employees, both from a physical and mental health perspective. Prior to the pandemic, many organizations prioritize their employee’s physical health — providing them with a luxurious office gym and encouraging after-work group workouts (from swimming to yoga, you name it!), but very few put attention on their employees’ mental wellbeing.

At Tokopedia, we believe that our success is only achievable through the success of others. Therefore, we have placed the health and wellbeing of our Nakama at the core of everything we do as we believe that happy employees make happy customers. Consequently, for over a decade now, our company policies have been geared towards the betterment of Nakama’s wellbeing.

Get off the grid, and show up for those who depend on you

At Tokopedia, our Nakama are made up of a diverse group of people in different age groups. We have fresh graduates as well as first-time parents, all with varying needs. Often, a large component to Nakama’s ability to work effectively and productively is knowing their loved ones are safe and sound or getting the care that they need.

In consequence, Tokopedia provides a leave policy that is tailored to the needs of the different groups. For instance, on top of the personal leave days one may take, Nakama get additional support in the form of Carer’s Leave, Maternity & Paternity Leave, Marriage Leave, Dispensation Leave, Compassionate Leave, and Parent Attendance Leave.

As being a Nakama comes with various responsibilities, whatever your marital status may be, Tokopedia believes in giving Nakama the support that they need in order for them to have the peace of mind and be the best employee they can be, as we strive to achieve our mission.

Enjoy a safe work environment

In general, people don’t like to talk about mental health. Either it’s due to the complexity of the matter, or simply because talking about their mental wellbeing requires a certain vulnerability that they’re just not ready for. On the matter of mental health at the workplace, employees sometimes feel intimidated by their colleagues and prefer to keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves. Sometimes they keep things bottled up, and one day they explode or burn out.

In order to prevent this from happening, Tokopedia created SafeSpace, an online consultation platform to connect Nakama with experts in different fields to talk about personal issues, work-related conflicts, and even physical and mental health problems. This platform allows Nakama to share their worries virtually and anonymously if they wish to do so.

In addition to SafeSpace, Tokopedia established an E-counseling platform, with the guidance of a certified local psychologist, to help Nakama share, discuss and work through any challenges they may be facing. Acknowledging the strength in numbers, Tokopedia also offers a Nakama Support Group, where Nakama can gather and discuss with those who share similar obstacles, facilitated by a professional Clinical Psychologist. For some, talking with those who have faced the same problems provides relief and calmness, allowing them to continuously work on bettering themselves and their mental health.

Employees’ physical and mental health is a package deal

At any given time, employees’ physical and mental well-being go hand in hand. An improvement in one’s physical wellbeing can significantly boost their mental health, while a decline in one’s physical wellness may regress one’s mental state. During the pandemic, these effects are exacerbated.

Consequently, as a technology company with over 6,000 Nakama, we must take care of our own before we take care of others. Therefore, Tokopedia’s company policies will continue to put Nakama first and prioritize their physical and mental wellbeing. Together, let’s continue to be #SelaluAdaSelaluBisa for our merchants and sellers as we democratize commerce through technology!

