Is This Thing Still On?

Garfield Hylton
Life Be Lifin’
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020

Although I haven’t written anything in months, I still scroll the notifications on Medium’s app.

As a person (occasionally) obsessed with analytics and engagement, it’s affirming to see people liking, clapping, commenting on, and reading my work, despite my absence.

Writing online often feels like talking into a void. In the past, I'd pretend the attention held no value. It’s not an honest assessment.

Truth is, I do care.

The old me would've kept that to myself. You can thank the “I paid for therapy, therefore, I can no longer make excuses for emotional detachment” version of me for saying it freely.

It doesn’t change anything about my process. Nor is my identity tied to someone acknowledging my work. It's just nice to know someone clicked the link and left positive feedback.

For more than a year, this blog lay dormant. True to its title, life got in the way. The last year included, but was not limited to, another round of unemployment, bouts of depression, moving to a new city, taking a new job, and working six-days-a-week for seven consecutive months.

There’s a post to be written about suicidal thoughts and finding one’s purpose. That may come later. For now, listening to my fingers dance on the keyboard with a rhythm I thought lost, will suffice.

Speaking of the future, I’ll attempt to revive this site from the dead. It’s partially because life will allow it. The other part is my longtime friend SBG demanding we “dust off our blogs.

My goal is to post weekly for however long I can manage. It's an endeavor to be taken a day at a time. But, I will say this....

It feels good to be back.



Garfield Hylton
Life Be Lifin’

Medium Creator Fellow. Award-winning TV news journalist. Freelance writer. Mad question asker.