The First Community to Do This Wins: Diner en Blanc

I Triple Dog Dare Ya

Life Behind Bars


Le Diner En Blanc is back for another season of DIY picnic style dining without a point. Dress in white, pay for your ticket, set up your own dinner, serve yourself, light a sparkler, feel special, repeat. I’m not here to rain on your parade or to suggest that it’s elitist or wrong to want to partake in this strange dinner-mob event. Instead, I’m here to issue the organizers and attendees a challenge, and it’s a good one. If you don’t do it? No harm, no foul. If you do? YOU ARE GOING TO GET MASSIVE MEDIA EXPOSURE/LIKES/SHARES/UPWORTHY-ESQUE FAME ETC. So I dare ya, I triple dog dare ya to do it. It’s quite simple:


That’s it. Let’s see a whole community change the game and donate their invite-only tickets to adults who rarely get to indulge in a night out. You can still dress in white, they do not have to (let’s make them feel comfortable). Dress in your whites, prepare your 3 course meal, and then instead of eating it yourself, serve it to someone who will apreciate it more than you ever would. Media will eat this up. Facebook will be flooded with the footage. You will be celebrated globally for changing the game, and most importantly, you will experience a sense of fulfillment more than any 3 course picnic and a sparkler could ever compete with.

Nobody loses: Everyone wins.

If you can organize a do-it-yourself picnic for 600 people, you can certainly get a list of families in need from your local Food Bank.

There is one rule to this challenge: IT CANNOT BE A SEPARATE EVENT. You have to donate your Diner En Blanc in the spirit of something better.

Anyone who wants to get behind this or except the challenge can reach me at and I will do my best to help out. I’m just a guy with an idea, but I believe this idea can change the lives of all involved and all that witness this potential act of kindness.

The first community to accept this challenge wins.



Life Behind Bars

Lifer, Serving Time (and people) Behind the Wood of your Local Haunt.