3 Things to Define Before you Start Writing

How to boost your success as a writer from day one

Erwin Lima
Life Beyond


Image courtesy of Kat Stokes — via Unsplash.com

You want to start writing. Or you want to start writing more. Great. But how do you maximize your chances of becoming successful with your writing?

What does “success” as a writer actually mean, to you?

Here are three things you want to hash out before you start to actually write, to make sure you get the maximum results.

These tips are taken from a free e-book about writing better, available at StoryLab.ai.

1. Find or Define your Purpose

To know what you should do next, what to focus on, what to choose and what to write — first, it is incredibly important that you know your Purpose.

What is it you truly want to achieve?

If you know your Purpose, and you can write it down and share it with people clearly, you and your audience will understand why you are
telling them your story. And you’ll know How and What to write. ‘Why’ helps. Because we’re humans.

Find your Why. Find your Purpose*.

  • Haven’t defined your own personal or Brand Purpose statement yet?
    I can help you find your



Erwin Lima
Life Beyond

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: https://lifebeyond.one/