Tired, bored, depressed, grumpy? Be like Gary.

Erwin Lima
Life Beyond
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2018

I was going to introduce you to Gary. But then I realized; you already know Gary. We all have an obvious, grumpy Gary in our lives. At some point we all have been Gary ourselves. That’s why instead of introducing you to Gary, I’m gonna explain why you already are like Gary. And how you can be a little bit less like Gary. Just like Gary.

Gary thinks everything sucks

You see it? Told you — you know Gary. Gary is basically just so tired and bored with every new thing, before it even happens. And Gary especially hates every old thing: the everyday goings on of day-to-day life. The hassle. The 9 to 5. The have-to’s. The shiny, happy people who do get excited about… well, stuff. Gary doesn’t necessarily complain much. He’s mainly just bored. With life. He probably thought there would be more to it.

Gary feels stuck

Gary is stressed out, underneath it all. Under the snide comments and the subtly sarcastic “fine, thank you”. Underneath laughing at FoMo and sucky selfies. He’s tired, from running, rushing, working. Maybe that’s because deep down, he feels there’s more to life, and more to him. But he just doesn’t know how to unlock it.

Maybe he feels like he has to keep paddling just to keep his head above the water. Maybe he’s got a wife or husband to support, kids to feed. A student loan debt or a mortgage he shouldn’t have gotten in the first place. Or even something as simple as a certain standard of living to uphold. Either way, he’s gotta keep calm and carry on. That’s why his face is like that.

A small step for Gary

But then one day, Gary found a baby step towards an exit out of the rut he’s been stuck in. You see, he met a couple of Unicorns. Now, usually he would simply get bored or agitated at their kind of cheeriness and childlike belief in a better world and a better you. But somehow, these Unicorns kind of got under his skin. And on top of his skin, but we’ll get to that.

Gary decided, or discovered, that he can rebel silently, and subtly. He can still be tired, bored, and he can still hate on the day-to-day drudge. He can still have his face like that. But now he wears a T-shirt that helps him remember. A hoodie that helps him spread the message. In a small, funny, and sometimes even a little sarcastic way. There is more to me, and there is more to life. Sometimes he’ll even wear them to his 9 to 5!

Gary wears organic Horned Horses gear, to “change the world — one t-shirt at a time”. And to be a little bit less like Gary. Be like Gary. Like to get your own? Use my link and get a 15% discount using my name [Erwin Lima] as your discount code!



Erwin Lima
Life Beyond

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: https://lifebeyond.one/