How to Be an Effective Communicator to Succeed at Work


Guide to Understand Types of Communication Style and How to Interact

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

In one hour, it will be your first meeting with the new team as their leader. For the first time since the promotion, you realized that you are no longer working in a small team with peers but as a leader of a department. You are nervous, and your palm is sweating. You review the meeting agenda over and over again. You ask yourself, “What if they don’t like me? What if they doubt me? What if my message doesn’t get across to them? What if I am not able to communicate with them effectively?

What is communication? Some will said it is when a person engages in transferring information with another. Others will say it is a means of sending and receiving data. In fact, these are all the correct answers. According to Webster Dictionary, “communication means the act of imparting, conferring, or delivering, from one to another.” However, the best definition of communication in my perspective is best explained by Sir Peter Ustinov, a legendary filmmaker, actor, and writer.

“Communication is the art of being understood” -Peter Ustinov

In the world of business, the ability to communicate often dictates the success of the individual. If an individual with remarkable ideas but fail…



Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider

For over 15 years, I have been a coach who is dedicated to help others achieving successes in the three core components of life: Personal, Finance, and Career.