How to Take Control of Your Luck

An Inspiring Story to Teach How to Manage Fortune for Success

Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider


Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

It is Wednesday morning; you took your $20 Mega Million ticket out of your wallet. You have been feeling unlucky lately. There were annoying issues at work. You had some pep talk from your manager about your declining performance. Your partner has been vocal about some of your living habits at home. You feel like you need a win to bounce back on your luck. You are hoping that the ticket you hold is the turning point of your life. You scan the ticket with your app, and you have won $4. After weeks of buying lottery tickets and invest over hundreds of dollars, you were rewarded $4. You asked yourself, “Why can’t I have a win? Why can’t things work well for me? Why are other people seen to have luck on their side? Why am I always down on my luck?”

What is luck? Some said it is a supernatural force that helps us when we need them most. Others said its God-given gift that we have no control over. Luck is a term that we all know, but only a few of us can actually put it in words. Based on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “Luck is defined as a force that brings good fortune or adversity.” In my view, I felt Luck is best defined by Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of our nation,

“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I…



Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider

For over 15 years, I have been a coach who is dedicated to help others achieving successes in the three core components of life: Personal, Finance, and Career.