“Wait! Are You and Your Business Financially Fit?”

An Exclusive Interview With Tracey Bissett, Financial Fitness Coach and the Host of Young Money Podcast

Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider


Photo provided by the guest

Today is the last day of your lease. As you look back into your empty office, you remembered the excitement when your business first launched. You were full of excitement and energy. You really thought your idea would disrupt the industry. “What happened?” You asked yourself, “It was going so well, what did I do wrong? When did I run out of money? Why can’t I succeed in starting my business?”

“Spend time upfront to invest in systems and processes to make long-term growth sustainable.”

-Jeff Platt

Like what the famous entrepreneur and the CEO of Sky Zone, Jeff Platt, stated, starting a business is not hard. The challenge is to keep the business alive and profitability to sustain a livelihood. As a life coach and a senior executive in the financial industry, I have dedicated myself to help individuals and businesses to succeed financially. Over the years, I have seen individuals achieved their dreams by building long-lasting businesses. I have also encountered many entrepreneurs who failed to reach their potentials due to failures in launching…



Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider

For over 15 years, I have been a coach who is dedicated to help others achieving successes in the three core components of life: Personal, Finance, and Career.