Would you prefer to live by the ocean or up in the mountains? Why?

Dale Aceron
Life Captured
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2018

Answer: Mountains

That was an easy one. As nice as the ocean breeze would be, every time I am near or see mountains, I get this explainable feeling of joy deep inside. The sheer size of mountains is one that has kept me in awe of them since I was a child.

It’s not like I’m a wilderness type of guy who heads out hiking every weekend, although I surely wouldn’t mind leading that type of lifestyle. I think I love them so much because they give off a majestic aura about them.The idea that God created these massive and glorious rocks for the sake of our benefit is something that I think of every time I gaze at them.

If I can make a move and relocate my family today, I certainly would choose somewhere where I can wake up in the morning with a fresh cup of coffee in the morning and stare at the mountain ranges for hours on end.

That would be living for me.


August 3— Life Captured

