Breaking a New Ground

Maria Chyrvona
Life Challenges
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2014


Every time I start writing I choke. I feel so afraid, my hands get wet, and my lips dehydrate. And my head, my mind… are empty like a deep well that has been dry for decades. I start to remember when last night, just before sleep I had so many thoughts in my mind. Genius thoughts, solving all the mysteries of the universe. These are all lost now. They fade away the minute I fall asleep. Why is it happening every time?

I don’t know, that is one of the puzzles of human mind. But whether you have ideas for writing or not you just have to make yourself. Push harder, push to the point when you tremble inside on every line. Every letter needs to make you anxious. Why is that? Because it is kind of like learning to walk or to dance. You feel so shaky at the beginning, with little idea what to do next and how it is all going to unravel. But to be absolutely confident about the writing you have to practice it more and raise the bar. It is a skill with the addition of a little bit of talent that has to be brought up and moulded.

I believe that with time and training I will be able to get my ideas on paper, sharing them, making a world a better place.

But let’s just take baby steps.

