tw²: June 29 — July 05, 2020 | #27

17th week of COVID-19 Break | TWTW #94

Joel V Zachariah
Life Documented
3 min readJul 6, 2020


Monday (29/06/2020)

Got the news at 10.30 AM that our exams are postponed due to the Corona Virus threat that persists for students and their loved ones. So instead spent the day watching first 4 episodes of Dark Season 3.

Something interesting happened. Sanjay from ECA suggested having a talk series with Ex-MECians for the juniors of our college. He got in touch with a Senior of ours who just recently completed his two years of employment at Apple, California, US. I got in touch with Varun (potential host), Aswin Shanil (potential teammate) and Amal (Excel 2020 chairman) to discuss the viability of this idea.

Tuesday (30/06/2020)

Do check out Dark if you haven’t already

Watched the last 4 episodes of Dark Season 3. Quite a satisfying story. Made a plan for the next 6 months to follow. Feeling good about making some meaningful progress by starting some habits that will hopefully turnout to be impactful. In other news, MEC PODCAST team released a quite important conversation that most of today’s generation needs to consider.

Wednesday (01/07/2020)

Did some exercise at 6 in the morning. My body does feel rigid.

Got my phone button repaired. This is the first time I ventured into Kadavanthra junction after 3 months of Lockdown. Officially formed the group for discussing the web talk series idea.

Spent quite some time on Netflix. Had a conference call from Church and for the talk series — both was quite the change I needed.

Thursday (02/07/2020)

Did another session of Chloe Ting’s routine. Hope it works to slim the flab fat at my stomach region. Watched two documentaries on Netflix — Minimalism and What The Health.

Spent the morning pasting stamps on the gratitude letters directed for my seniors. 40 in total. Hope it reaches them safely.

Resumed watching fullmetal Alchemist anime in the afternoon. Feel quite lethargic to get to work but I understand complacency will bite me in time.

Attended team call to discuss plan for alumni connect event.

Friday (03/07/2020)

Planning for the alum connect event is going well.

Saturday (04/07/2020)

Time flew by. Helped Vyshak in group discussion preparation for his Army test series.

Sunday (05/07/2020)

Attended a research paper discussion session with Hari and co. Then later that day evening, attended a G. E. B. research group discussion.

