5 Things That You Leave Behind With Your Former Abuser

And the gratitude boost that follows

Sarah Kat
Neural Notes


Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

When we are in the thick of an abusive relationship, we crave and fantasize about our future — a time and place where we will be safe, free of manipulation, and dare I say it, happy again.

I spent the majority of my childhood dreaming of freedom from my abusive parents, only to walk into adult relationships of a similar ilk. Humans are creatures of habit, and that doesn’t always serve us! But with time, growth and perspective, all patterns can be broken.

Fast forward several years for me, and after escaping the last of my abusers, I am in that happy place. But of course I still have stress in my life. So when I have a bad day at work, am going through a tough time with my health or my finances, or more recently am feeling what we are all feeling from the pandemic — it helps me to count my blessings and remember what I’ve come through.

Life after abuse is a funny old mixture of old wounds to heal and new life to enjoy!

Here are 5 things I’ve left behind and am grateful about having done so.

1. Always being in the wrong



Sarah Kat
Neural Notes

Self help, neuropsychology, small business and marketing. An Elective Orphan and abuse survivor. https://bit.ly/highlights-email