How to Choose a Quality Multi-Vitamin

Tips to choose the best product for yourself

TruHealth by Kasara
Neural Notes


Photo by Gabriele Lässer on Unsplash

You may ask yourself, “why do I need a multi-vitamin?” The media consistently points out how depleted our food supply is of vitamins and minerals. This is because of pesticides, over-and improper farming, not rotating crops, not putting the nutrients back in the soil, bio-engineering, and GMO’s (Genetically modified organisms).

Unfortunately, if you are eating everyday grocery food and/or junk food, you will not get the nutrients you should. A place many people start to remedy this is by taking a multi-vitamin. Besides, many doctors recommend a basic multi-vitamin for their patients.

For many people, this can be not very clear because there are so many choices. Hopefully, this can help clarify a few things for you before you go shopping.

The first thing I look at on a multi-vitamin bottle is what form the vitamins are in. By this, I mean, are vitamins in a natural or synthetic form? There is a difference in how our bodies utilize the nutrients.

Natural vitamins are recognized and absorbed. Whereas the synthetic, although scientifically, technically, and chemically may appear to be the same thing, the body actually can tell the difference. This is most likely why there are such mixed results in the studies…



TruHealth by Kasara
Neural Notes

TruHealth — educating people on natural health options since 1993.