I Want to Grow Old With You

Roger Grant
Down the Road
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2021

When I said that she smiled, gave a little laughed and replied we are old.

Photo by Mohamed Elsayed on Unsplash

I said no I mean older, you know years from now. I want to spend the time between counting new wrinkles and grey hairs, reminiscing about times gone by when we were teens and madly in love, but not as deeply in love as we are today. I want to be that old couple shuffling along holding hands that everyone thinks “aren’t they cute.”

Fifty years isn’t enough, I want more, I’m greedy. I want to watch our grandkids become adults and have families of their own. I want to share the the things of life that are yet to come, the joys, the sorrows, the mundane. I want to eat breakfast with you, and plant a garden, and sit on the porch. I want to take you to see the aurora borealis, and the last few states you haven’t visited.

I don’t want to be young again and relive the years we’ve already spent. I don’t want to take a pill and live forever. I just want to walk down this path with you, slowly, leaning on each other.



Roger Grant
Down the Road

Oh to dream again of the dawning of a new age, a brighter future filled with peace and harmony, love and understanding.