The ‘Importance’ Factor — What a book About Parallel Universes Taught Me — It’s Not That Important

Roxy Ahmed-Suarez
Life Edits . . .
5 min readJan 26, 2024
Midjourney AI Generated Image — Author

Ever felt paralyzed by the need for perfection? Me too!

So, in my journey of self-discovery and creative expression, my search for that elusive ‘perfect’ outcome has had me start projects with enthusiasm, only to abandon them midway, fearing they weren’t ‘perfect’ enough.

But how to let go of perfectionism?!

For me it was during the pandemic, when I stumbled across some game changing wisdom from a book called “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland (an epic read!). It was during my exploration into the fascinating realm of parallel universes — yes, quite the ‘woo-woo’ subject. And this book was revelatory to me on many levels with its profound insights.

In a nutshell it delves into concepts like the energy of thought, the importance of tuning into one’s own unique path (or life track), and avoiding external influences that can lead us away from our true desires. It really is a mind-expanding read that offers a unique blend of quantum physics and spirituality on how to navigate life’s journey.

The Trap of ‘Importance’

Anyhoo, being a perfectionist, the concept of “Importance” in this book particularly resonated with me. It sparked many ‘aha’ moments for me about why we often hesitate to begin or continue projects unless everything is ‘just right’ — i.e. not moving forward with something until all our ducks are lined up!!

Zealand suggests that when we assign too much importance or excessive emotional energy into something — desires or fears — it can create imbalances, leading to stress and anxiety. Instead, he advises adopting a more relaxed and balanced perspective, reducing the level of importance we place on our goals and fears. But, this doesn’t mean not caring, but rather maintaining a healthy detachment and confidence, and thus leading to a more harmonious and effortless life flow — sweet :)

That right there got my attention and inspired me to start embracing imperfection as a part of the creative journey.

The Perfectionist’s Dilemma

However, ‘perfectionism’ is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it drives quality, a testament to one’s commitment to excellence because it reflects unwavering dedication to producing quality over quantity, right! On the other hand though, the pursuit of perfection can stop you from putting yourself out there at all.

So, embracing imperfection is key, as it allows your true, creative authentic self to shine and connect with others — so darling: just do you!!

Can you just be less serious please!!

For me dropping ‘importance’ has meant not taking myself too seriously, thus freeing me from the urge to outdo others, and allowing me to serve authentically. It was a game-changer for starting my Medium journey, aiming to write from the heart, not just the mind.

Because “dropping importance” is after all about releasing the grip of perfectionism (- Note to my self!).

Let me break it down :)

  • Perfectionism stifles creativity and authenticity, especially in an era dominated by social media’s filtered realities.
  • Striving for perfection can trap us in a cycle of constant comparison and self-doubt, hindering our true potential and expressing our unique voice.
  • Whilst fixated on crafting a flawless image — life speeds by.
  • Others are achieving milestones — writing books, launching businesses etc — while you remain stagnant, caught in the pursuit of an unattainable elusive ideal.

And this dear reader, is the trap of perfectionism: it keeps us rooted in place, hindering our progress.

Once I started dropping importance about tings :) I saw progression and manifestations in the barren areas of my life — love, work, and finances.

My gosh letting go of the need to be perfect, to outshine others, has been liberating.

It has allowed me to serve others, and contribute to the world in a way that’s authentically me and heartfelt. This approach has not only enriched my creative endeavours but also brought a profound sense of fulfilment and purpose to my life.

Creativity From The Heart

When I shift from head to heart, my work takes on a life of its own, and creativity flows effortlessly as if guided by a higher power. I’m reminded of the classic Laurel and Hardy scenes, where spontaneity and heart-led expressions outshined rehearsed responses.

I bring this delightful duo up (who btw to this day give me a good giggle!!) because for anyone familiar with their iconic work — it’s impossible to forget how Laurel, with his charming innocence, would often have these brilliant moments of inspiration. His words would flow with such unexpected eloquence and articulation, leaving Hardy — and indeed all of us — pleasantly surprised.

Yet, whenever Hardy, with his mix of bewilderment and curiosity, coaxed Laurel into repeating his profound thoughts, Laurel would delve deep into his thoughts (his head) in an attempt to recapture that spark. Alas, the words would never quite dance off his tongue with the same perfection the second time around — which added a layer of humour, and human charm to their timeless performances :)

Anyhoo, my point is that — just like Laurel’s moments of eloquence effortlessly flowing when unscripted — are much like our best creative moments > > spontaneous, not forced.

Embracing Imperfection and Flow

But there are still days when I get caught up in my head, and get stuck. Inevitably it’s because I’m attaching too much importance to whatever I am working on, and my ego’s need for it to be absolutely flawlessly perfect — like today, for example!!

You see, I had a topic in mind to write about, but my initial pursuit for perfection clouded my vision, and I quickly strayed off track. But embracing this unexpected shift, I let go of stress, took a break, and went off to play with my puppy Molly :)

When I got back to it, I realised the value in sharing this very experience instead of my planned topic. Because I’m certain someone out there also suffers from perfectionism, and this story is exactly what I needed to share with them today :)

To Wrap Things Up

So here are some practical steps inspired by ‘Reality Transurfing’ and my personal experience:

  • Embrace Imperfection: Allow your creativity and expression to flow naturally and let go of the need for perfection in your projects.
  • Detach From Outcomes: Stay present and focus on the process and joy of creation, rather than being fixated on the end result.
  • Cultivate Inner Peace: Regularly engage in practices that nurture your soul and bring you into alignment with your authentic self.
  • Trust Your Unique Voice: Write or create from a place of authenticity and your uniqueness factor, not just for approval or likes — because trying to please everyone is losing game :)

And that’s it for today.

Thanks for reading :) and I hope you found some value in it.

I’d be over the moon to hear your thoughts on this post. Share your own stories, insights, or even just a word of encouragement in the comments below.

Oh, and if you resonate with my vibe, give me a clap and a follow— if you want :)



Roxy Ahmed-Suarez
Life Edits . . .

✨Soulful Creative inspired by Nature & the Mystical. Life is a maze, so here to learn & share moments of clarity, creativity & self-realisation :)