UPenn SEAS針對疫情之政策

Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020

雖然有點晚了,但我在這邊更新一下UPenn SEAS針對學費之政策:

目前(7/11)由於美國政府的政策導致學校需對課程安排作調整,但在學費方面,UPenn SEAS在之前就有作相對應的說明:

Thanks to generous support from our alumni, Penn Engineering will offer financial aid to incoming and current Master’s students in the Fall 2020 semester. Financial aid is only available to students taking classes remotely or in-person during the Fall 2020 semester; students must apply to receive aid. We expect that this aid may reduce the cost of attending Penn Engineering by up to 15%.





不過,相較多數學校,Penn Engineering願意提供學費減免,也接受學生延後入學,算非常有誠意了。


Congratulations! You are eligible to receive $1,000 per credit unit (cu) of financial aid based on your Fall 2020 registration. Please note the following stipulations:

1. Financial aid will be calculated based on the number of cu’s (up to 4 cu’s maximum) you are registered for in Fall 2020. Your Fall registration must be completed NO LATER than September 15 (by the drop/add course deadline) to remain eligible.

2. Financial aid will be based on the number of SEAS 500+ level** credit units you are enrolled in. Within Engineering, this excludes EAS 896, MEAM 699, or any other classes with no tuition. If you register for courses outside of Engineering (Wharton, SAS, PSOM, etc.), these courses are NOT eligible for the financial aid.

Example: If you register for two SEAS courses (CIS 519 and EAS 545) and one Wharton course (STAT 771), your financial aid will only be calculated on the two SEAS courses.

**If you are unsure if your registration is a SEAS 500+ level course, please talk with your graduate coordinator.

3. Financial aid will be applied by October 15, 2020 as a credit to all matriculated students’ accounts and will be applied towards the Spring 2021 semester’s tuition.

這獎學金說申請也不算是正式的申請,只需填入學的身分,不須繳交Personal Statement等相關審查資料,就是純粹的紓困用獎學金。

在4/22 10:30 p.m. (台北時間),UPenn SEAS 有對碩士班之入學生開放提問,本次之討論錄像學校已上傳至youtube。連結放在下面:

Penn Engineering Admitted Master’s Student Webinar


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash



  • I-20的處理時長→6周
  • I-20文件寄送→以紙本形式,為了後續的簽證面試
  • 如果已經確定要延期→現在不需要I-20文件


  • 若選擇在2021 Spring入學或2020 Fall開始線上課程→依目前政策,還是無法在2021 Summer做校外實習(因入境美國未滿一學年)
  • 若在第一點的條件下,打算在校內工作或做研究,因不須CPT/OPT,自然是可行的。



  • 延期可選擇2021 Spring2021 Fall作為入學時間
  • 延期請求之時間→校方在7月開始處理,截止日為August 31, 2020
  • 延期需主動提出,學校不會自動幫你處理
  • 學校能否於8月開學→因局勢不斷變化,不確定
  • 延期仍會保留錄取之資格,不會重審申請之文件
  • 若決定延期,可在2020 Fall修習遠端線上課程
  • 若因簽證導致延期需求,校方建議在2021 Spring入學


  • 在註冊課程時,才需要繳學費
  • 因疫情之特殊狀況,原本一學期的線上課程只能抵2門實體課程,現在不但沒有限制一學期的線上課程總數,同時也能將其全部轉換成畢業要求之學分數

轉系 / 雙主修

  • 經過一學期後,除了滿足基本成績要求外,還要看各系之審核標準(e.g. 特定課程取得特定分數),請洽詢系上人員
  • 若想修工學院以外的課程(e.g. Wharton),需經審核通過(Permission)才能選課,通常會被Issued。






Now I work as a system analyst in the United States. I graduated from UPenn SCMP. contact info: contact@mcchanglife.com or LinkedIn