Day 17: 75 Hard Recap

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” — Edna Mode

Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life


Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

6:22 again — like clockwork. I snoozed this time. It’s Sunday, after all.

I look outside — no rain, but it’s gloomy.

Progress photo — check.

I start making drip coffee. I start cleaning around the kitchen. I turn on Elevation Church. I bring my coffee to the couch and curl up with a blanket, ready to listen — it’s a good sermon; I grab my journal and start taking notes.

This is one of my favorite things he said, and I highlighted it:

“I want you to focus more on how God is growing you rather than how the enemy is pulling you.

Do you ever dwell on the problems you’re experiencing in your life and completely bypass all that you’ve overcome? Everything you’ve learned? All the ways you’ve changed over the last few months?

“You can’t get a new start to your story, what you can do is change the ending. And, the only way for you to affect the ending is for you to understand the starting place.”

I sat in that for a few minutes. Because I have been thinking about the ways I could change the start of my story.



Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.