How To Get Started And Watch Your Confidence Catch Up

Advice on how to stop playing the “what if” game and start making things happen.

Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life


We all know that our brains are wired to jump to the worst-case scenario.

Every creative thought comes with the dreaded: “what if?” and your brain forces you to believe that the worst is possible.

I’ve struggled with this for years. I’ve held back, turned down opportunities, deleted articles, changed plans, and didn’t go for it more times than I can count out of fear of failing.

If I could tell my younger self anything at all, it would be this:

“You don’t lack skill; you lack confidence. If you start now, you’ll put yourself ahead of the game. And guess what? Your confidence will catch up to you.”

Ever since I started my self-growth journey, I’ve learned that rejection doesn’t equivalate to failure.

It’s merely a redirection, and you can always try again — but you have the opportunity right now — today — to give it a go.

Here’s how.

Learn to be comfortable through being UNcomfortable.



Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.