The Meaning of Faith… Worship

Michael Sienkiewicz
Life, God, and All Those Things
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Becoming a Disciple — Part 2

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So there it is you think… worship… I go to church every Sunday and I take my turn in a service role to my church… I am IN!

This is the first thought of most Christians in approaching worship but friends, that is not entirely correct. Attending a church, going through the motions, singing the songs, and the like is a fine public demonstration of your belief, but it is NOT worship.

To understand worship we need to look holistically at the meaning in both Hebrew and Greek as this is the language from which the English bible is translated:


· Shachah — Prostate in homage

· Caged — Prostate in homage

· Abad — Serve (as a menial)


· Proskuneo — Prostate, kiss in homage

· Sebomai — Revere, adore

· Latreuo — Serve (as a menial)

· Therapeuo — Serve (as a menial), adore

Actually the word worship is too often used where the word praise is intended as in the words Halal, Yadah, Tehillah, Zamar, Barak, Todah, Mahalal, Shabach in Hebrew and Epainos, Doxa, Eulogeo, Arete, in Greek.



Michael Sienkiewicz
Life, God, and All Those Things

Evangelist and trainer for Digital Technology and Ethical AI. Also a commentator on Christianity in the modern world