As Humans, We Ruin Things

Because that’s what all of us do.

Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious


We break things, like they are meant to be broken. We break them carelessly, or we break them like we want them to.

We break them to make ourselves feel powerful. But the broken makes us feel weak at the same time, as we then realize that the broken seldom can be fixed or restored back to its former glory — what it’s meant to be, look or function.

Here’s the question then: Are things meant to stay the same or are they meant to change?

Things change. They always do. And we complain, and we regret, and we feel upset when they do. But the thing is, when they stay the same, we never really feel satisfied, do we? Do you? Perhaps for some time you feel content, but then after you get the same thing over and over and over again, there will come a point where you think, “How I wish things change up a bit, a little, for a while, or something…”

We want change, but we do not welcome big changes. We want change because we want to feel life changing. We want to feel it moving… forward. But we don’t like it too drastic or too fast. We want to be able to catch up with the change, or let the change catch up with us.

Control. Yes, we all want it. We want to be in the know. We don’t want any sneak attack. We don’t like to be caught unprepared by anything.

Composure. A dignified smile. A good posture to greet people. Yes, to be composed. To appear ‘good’ and flawless. Humans like to greet each other like that. We want to appear as our best, always.

Who do we want to impress, really? Them, or ourselves? To let them know that we did a good job, or let ourselves know that we did a good job? Question.

But no matter, we don’t let ourselves break apart in front of others. We don’t let our veil of composure crack. We won’t. We don’t want to. Because then our flaws will show. And flaws are what that makes us different from others. Flaws are what make each and every one of us special. Not strengths. And some of us just don’t want to be seen as special. We rather blend in and be… unnoticeable.

As humans, we ruin things. All the time. From time to time. We are not perfect. We want to be. We want to be alright. We want to be fine. But sometimes we are just not. We fall.

Sometimes we would try to salvage whatever that’s left. Then we try to build upon it. But things will not be the same. Maybe better, maybe worse. But what’s changed is changed. You either embrace it or you don’t — the good or the bad, or both. Things may appear to be better than they seem if you embrace it, or they may not. But what’s for sure, those that you do not embrace, they will only appear worse and worse.

Things left alone always go bad. Except for wine and cheese, and some other things I’m sure. But I’m not talking about food here. I’m talking about the things we break, not physically, but metaphorically. Like how love never lasts, how friendships fall apart, and how first impressions could be the best and the rest just goes downhill.

Sometimes we ruin things ourselves, by our own hands. Other times, we let other people ruin it all for us.



Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel