Finding truths, purpose and meaning

My spiritual journey to find answers

Emad Ibrahim
2 min readSep 29, 2013

My religious friends (mostly christian) and I discuss religion and spirituality all the time. Usually these discussions are not very satisfying to me. I am not sure why but all I know is that I am trying to find answers and truths and they think (or more accurately believe) that they have these answers and truths. I am not convinced by their stories or arguments or logic (or lack of); at the same time I have no alternative story to offer them.

I don’t know if God exists or not and the atheist argument is un-convincing to me as the christian one.

All I know is that I don’t know.

In these discussion, all I offer are counter arguments and my logic on how their logic is completely absurd and nonsensical and of course they look at me as a complete idiot and they probably say to themselves “if he can only experience God’s love and grace, he would never doubt” or “one day, he will understand” or “how can someone be so smart and so stupid at the same time” or “if he only prays, God will answer him” and so on.

Like I said, I don’t have answers — I only have questions. My plan is to spend 2014 reading up and studying religions and philosophies to try and find the answers — if there are any. This “spiritual journey” has been on my mind for a very long time and I am ready to take it. My basic plan is to read up on Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Atheism and Philosophy.

So, whatever your religion is or beliefs are, can you recommend a book that explains your ideology and hopefully convinces me that it is the right one.

Recommend me one book about your religion

I will be blogging about the books I read and what I think of them and hopefully do a comparative analysis of the different ideologies that I read/learn. If you are interested, you can follow my spiritual journey here

PS: I just watched Kumare and it is insane the BS people will believe to the God-shaped whole in their life.



Emad Ibrahim

Husband, Father of Twins, Published Author, Entrepreneur, Passionate Technologist, Programmer and Productivity Nut. more at