1, 2, 3

aka, the importance of natural order.

George Papadakis
Life illustrated
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2013


Here’s a fun fact.

The more you deal with code and clutter, the more unable you are to:

+ Begin from zero - and not from, say 2.
+ Move from 1 to 2 and then to 3 - and not from 1 to 3 the to 5 e.t.c.

That’s how nature works. Right?

Thing is, we don’t seem to follow this rule as we grow up.

I have seen this rule presented from all sorts of people, especially at work. This rule, though, is not a work-related, but rather a life-related (and influencing) one.


Well, multitasking, excessive lust for information, and - mainly - the fear of not having much time in our hands has caused all this mess.

It’s a disease, actually.

One that, if cured, can and will make us way more productive and effective, way calmer and way better at enjoying both our jobs and our life.

Easy in words, tough in “real life”.

