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What you should really care about in your youth? 

Sharjeel Siddique
Life Improvements
5 min readApr 4, 2013


Hi , I can't believe I'm writing this. I've never been one to voice my opinions in such a public manner. The earliest memory I could remember myself writing was when I was somewhere between seven and eight years old. I suppose it's a memorable one for me because of the frustration I associate with it. I don't ever remember not wanting to write, but I do remember finding the process quite difficult and because of that fact I had a love/hate relationship with it. Writing intrigued me recently, because of reading some blogs/articles which brought in an interest out of me to write. So, I stressed out around an hour just to think on what I should be writing about, and one more thing, I’m not a billionaire, journalist or any world savoir that you should really look upon. I choose medium as a blog website to write my first blog because I find medium quite simple, awesome and I just LOVE the UI.

So, with all the introductory part being put to rest. I’d like to begin with sharing some quite experiences of my life. Although, I’m not some 50 year old man that went through all the adversity to land up in his goals,(I’m just another teenager). But, I can assure you this that I somewhat feel good enough to propose people on what they should really be doing. I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I respect that. I also hope that you will respect mine as you read this blog. For those that don't like my views, get over it. I think that I have as much a right to my views, and to express them, as anyone else. I made some of my own research while coming into terms to write this blog. Just one more thing before I start pouring in real content, don’t ask for TL;DR.I’m not good at summarizing content and come on! it’s not that hard to read. And just so you know, this is my first attempt at writing a blog.

To start off, I think the most important part about life is learning to accept the fact that everybody is different and there is no standard definition of 'right' or 'wrong', 'good' or 'bad'. At least for me, that has changed significantly now. I understand that what I consider right may not be right for someone else. I understand that one could be very different from my expectations and still be a nice person. I understand that no two people can be the same and there is something unique about everyone. I always knew it but I now I understand it, that nobody on Earth is perfect.

There is some points I drafted while thinking about what we should really care about, and here are a few I’d like you to read.

  1. Do things for the story. When you look back at your youth, day to day activities will ultimately become a blur, but the moments and experiences that you will remember are the ones that leave you with a story to share. That moment of you cheating death will be hard to forget compared to checking out your facebook feed. So, make those moments that could put up a smile on your face when you look back.
  2. Be passionate. Whatever or whomever you are doing, being passionate and enthusiastic about the activity will make not only your experiences more enjoyable, but people will enjoy engaging in experiences with you. Don't let outside pressures change what you are passionate about. If there is something you like to do, do it! Live it regardless of what others think.
  3. Not to expect anything from anyone. Whether you’re creating the next big website that’s going to change the world, pitching an idea that will be a total business turnover or trying yourself to be the next music artist. Eventually, No one gives a shit.
  4. Get a College Degree. The stories of dropouts who made a change in the world are tempting for you to not do that tough assignment at college. But that is because you haven't heard or purposefully ignore the stories of lot of other drop outs who didn't make a mark in this world. Remember, it is always good to have a cushion underneath you when you fall. Even, if you've raised a million dollar for your company, get yourself a college degree. Don't worry about your grades. This is just a prerequisite requirement to better represent our self in the society.
  5. Make Mistakes. Mistakes will be your best and most common teachers, appreciate them, accept their lessons as if your life depended in it--because It does. So long as you don't stop making mistakes you will not stop improving your situation. Mistakes are often well worth the risks that accompany them. It's okay to make mistakes and it's okay to lose. This idea is not popular, but through failure we learn so much and therefore become better at that endeavor.
  6. Ignore the opposite sex. Quoting out of context, Feross Aboukhadijeh emphasized this while writing about
    “How can one make the most of one's youth?” Middle school / high school romance is pointless. I don’t seem to make around with how love will make anything better. If you’re really into it, then try to be mature and think of future too-- and no matter how serious you are about it, avoid doing anything that jeopardizes his/her future prospects in education, and by all means try to make sure he/she doesn't ride any emotional roller coasters because of you.
  7. Don’t Judge. If you lack humility, learn it, even if it has to be beaten into you. Everyone isn't born with the same kind of intelligence. Every little act of kindness and chivalry. You are owed nothing in life, and no-one has to be nice to you. Some people won't be nice to you. Accept them for who they are. Once you understand what the other person is capable of, which you may not be as good at, you will gradually stop judging them purely on their looks and beliefs. I also firmly believe that every hardcore criminal can become a better person. Give them a Chance!

That's all I'm going to say in this blog because if I were to write everything I want to write, I'd be here all night. I do know, however, that the hour is late indeed. Fortunately, it's not yet too late to Publish. Anyway, that just some of my two cents after reading a lot of other blogs written by notable people. :)

