Action Bronson apologized, and look what good it did him

Saying you’re sorry is for suckers

Byron Crawford
Life in a Shanty Town
3 min readApr 4, 2016


Something in his beard must be bothering him (Source: Washington Post)


Literally no one watches the new Vice cable channel, and I can’t imagine he makes much money from album sales. How is Action Bronson supposed to keep himself in expensive shorts and groceries if he can’t perform at colleges?

This week, it was announced that Action Bronson was dropped from the lineup of something called the Spring Fling at George Washington University, which I’m pretty sure is Noz’s alma mater. This was after a petition was circulated demanding he be removed. In one article I read, it said that the petition had 349 signatures. In another article, it said it had 350. GWU has an enrollment of 25,613 students.

An op-ed in the GWU student newspaper read in part:

“Bronson has a history of public transphobia, and has mocked transgender people on Instagram. He’s also been widely criticized for his song “Consensual Rape,” in which he describes drugging and raping a woman. One of his music videos, for a song called “Brunch,” depicts Bronson cooking a meal next to a woman’s dead body, putting her body in the trunk of his car, then stabbing her repeatedly while shouting gendered insults.”

To think, the broad who wrote it was probably like 12 when Dr. Lecter dropped. She probably never heard of any of this shit until she went and researched it for the article, for which she probably drew from articles about the time Bronson was dropped from NXNE, the nicer, Canadian version of South by Southwest a/k/a the Capitalist Gangbang, last year.

The bit about mocking transgender people, as I recall, stems from an incident in which he may or may not have peed on a homeless transgender person sleeping outdoors. As I recall, he claimed to have just poured water onto, erm, the person, but he may have still mislabeled them, which is a huge no-no. In his defense, there’s no way to ask a transgender person what they prefer to be called, if they’re asleep.

That was back before both Action Bronson and transgender people hit the big time. Combat Jack had yet to begin claiming to have discovered Action Bronson. Caitlyn Jenner wouldn’t invent randomly becoming a woman for another three years. Things have changed so much in just that brief span. Imagine if Action Bronson claimed to have micturated upon a transgender person (as the real Lebowski might put it) in 2016. There would have been calls for him to be sent back to Albania, which may or may not be overrun with ISIS. This could be a legit existential concern for him.

I was in college back when the Marshall Mathers LP dropped, which just plain couldn’t have happened in 2016. There was controversy surrounding the album back in 2000, but if it had been released today, with all of its teh ghey slurs and what have you, SJWs would have found a way to prevent it from being released altogether. They would have somehow proven it was illegal, using the interpretation of the First Amendment you sometimes see proffered in Internets comments sections. Namely, that the first amendment doesn’t actually guarantee you freedom of speech.

Action Bronson issued an official apology via Facebook, lest any other colleges try to pull this shit. He reiterated a lot of the things he said back when he was dropped from NXNE, including the fact that he plays a character in his songs, he’s officially against rape and he’s never performed “Consensual Rape” live, and he says that he met with some teh ghey people to discuss ways that he could be less of a homophobe. I doubt it will do him any good, if he said all of that last time and it didn’t prevent him from being dropped by GWU.

That’s why I don’t recommend apologizing to SJWs, or anyone really. Not only will it result in you being on the record as having admitted to doing something wrong, but people who demand apologies don’t really care if you apologize anyway. They just enjoy forcing people to do things against their will. Social justice warriors are the real rapists.

Take it easy on yourself,


Originally published at



Byron Crawford
Life in a Shanty Town

Best-selling author of The Mindset of a Champion, Infinite Crab Meats and NaS Lost @byroncrawford