Lena Dunham and Charlamagne Tha God make the least compelling case for Hillary imaginable

If Trump wins, it’s all their fault

Byron Crawford
Life in a Shanty Town
4 min readNov 6, 2016


Charlamagne Tha God, Lena Dunham and what appears to be Charlamagne in a dress (Source: Funny or Die)


If Lena Dunham’s new rap video, “Sensual Pantsuit Anthem,” really does cost Hillary the election, it would almost be worth it, if it leads Dunham to reconsider her career, if not her very existence.

When the video hit the Internets the other day, I saw a few conservative commentators (no one worthy of being taken seriously) remark that Dunham just helped Trump win the election. That may have also been a headline on a site run by Tucker Carlson.

Whether Hillary Clinton actually loses this election remains to be seen, let alone what role, if any, Lena Dunham played in it, but at the very least, I can’t imagine that this video helped matters. What segment of the electorate was this video intended to drive to the polls, overweight white feminist crypto racists who resent not being able to go about in their underwear without feeling bad about themsevles? There can’t be a single member of that demographic who wasn’t already voting Hillary.

Black men won’t be swayed by this video, regardless of their penchant for the beached whale look or the presence of Charlamagne Tha God. I wasn’t able to watch the video myself, due to some tech issues with my Boost Mobile prepaid cellphone, but I saw a screencap of it in an article I skimmed. Towards the end of the video, Dunham strips down from the song’s titular Death Row Records pantsuit to a gross Ashley Stewart fat lady bikini. Her body has never looked worse. Her 30s, so far, don’t seem to agree with her.

On her HBO series, Girls, her shtick has always been to strip down completely naked, but to never allow the girls you’d actually want to see naked, i.e. Allison Williams and Zosia Mamet (the latter maybe even more so than the former), to do so, as an assault on the show’s male audience, as well as some sort of statement about how a woman’s body shouldn’t have to be attractive. She can’t get all the way naked in “Sensual Pantsuit” because the video is being distributed by Funny or Die, which has valuable brand partnerships to maintain with (if I had to guess) makers of sugar-laden soft drinks, athletic apparel produced in sweatshops and probably the NFL.

One of the song’s lyrics, which was excerpted in another article I skimmed, was something along the lines of, “Hillary worked harder than her husband and still had time to see her grandkids, and people have the nerve to ask her what her plan is.”

I’m at a loss for what she could mean by saying that Hillary Clinton worked harder than her husband, unless she means that women have to work harder than men to do the same amount of work, because women are less capable than men, which is only true biologically and is arguably sexist. It also ignores the fact that a man can’t have a baby, unless it’s a woman with a buzz-cut and a penciled-in beard calling herself a man.

Bill Clinton, by advocating “tough on crime” policies and promising to cut off “the welfare,” won a presidential election as a Democrat at a time when it seemed like there might not be another Democratic president ever again. Hillary Clinton wouldn’t even be considered a viable candidate if she weren’t his wife–which is nor to say that she isn’t qualified in the credentialist sense of the term qualified, meaning that she’s been properly vetted by various white supremacist institutions.

Hillary Clinton is a phenomenally untalented politician, who’s either just barely leading in the polls against Donald Trump, the most ridonkulous presidential candidate of all time by a wide margin, or not leading at all, depending on which poll you consult. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, could have easily beaten Donald Trump in a general election, if Hillary hadn’t stolen the Democratic primary out from under him.

Her one legit claim to having done hard work is that she traveled to more foreign countries than any other secretary of state, but that’s only because she knew she was about to run for president, and so she took it as an opportunity to travel around soliciting campaign donations from countries where they throw a brick at women for adultery and selling them weapons they could use to massacre civilians. To her credit, there are those videos of her barely being able to board a plane after scheming with the Saudis on the next 9/11 or whatever, and there’s no way we can prove scientifically that this was the result of guilt weighing on her psyche to the point where it’s starting to affect her physical wellbeing.

I was disappointed to see Charlamagne Tha God involved in this mess, but I can hardly say I was surprised. I don’t have time to watch 40-minute-long Breakfast Club interviews on YouTube anymore, but I heard Lena Dunham was on there recently, and Charlamagne didn’t call her on her shit the way he would, say, Beanie Sigel. And I see he’s got a book coming out called Black Privilege: How Black People Can Create Their Own Opportunity, or something to that effect, which, based on its title, seems to be of a piece with DJ Envy coming out in favor of stop-and-frisk, not to mention the propaganda videos they’ve shot with Hillary.

What’s next, a humorous, sexy video about how we should bring back slavery? I wouldn’t put it past any of these people.

Take it easy on yourself,




Byron Crawford
Life in a Shanty Town

Best-selling author of The Mindset of a Champion, Infinite Crab Meats and NaS Lost http://amazon.com/author/byroncrawford @byroncrawford