There Are No Rehearsals In Life

Each day is a new show. No retake. No repeat. No rewind.

Life in a Well
Life in a Well Quotes
1 min readMar 13, 2016


There Are No Rehearsals In Life. #lifeinawell

Having received a life that is so beautiful, one should treasure it, enjoy it, live it.
Love yourself deeply, make choices that you never thought of, laugh when you want to cry, shout your heart out when you feel lonely, make plans that would make you laugh when you remember them.

Life is full of endless possibilities of hope, happiness, love and faith.
No situation that you are in now, is going to come back. No time spent is ever going to ask you whether you want it back.

Life has no rehearsals.

Every word spoken is reflected. So speak words of compassion and kindness.
Every behavior has an effect. So behave in such a way that people respect and remember you.

Each one of us, have a movie rolling in their lives and it’s their unique story. With many characters and emotions.
But unlike a reel movie, there are no retakes here. No rewind. Once your role is played, it just is.

So whatever role you are playing, play it well. You never know how life surprises you!

Originally published at on March 13, 2016.

