The Way.

Ian McClellan
The Circle
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2022
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Isn’t it strange when we are told to get through something, it usually means the opposite.

It usually means we should walk away, or choose a different path.

Let time pass, close our eyes and give distance.

Even getting over something, is a process of avoidance.

Because for some of us, getting through is literal and compulsive.

Our world is one where waiting for something to happen, is not an option.

There is no way to get around, or away. It has to be through.

Through means that the pattern is broken.

That Monday becomes Tuesday.

That you had a question, and there is an answer.

That you open the door, and then close it behind you.

Without going through, then we are simply standing in the rain, and hoping it will stop. We are staring at the wall, and hoping that someone else will bring the ladder.

And they might, but whilst we are waiting we are still wet through, or we are staring at the wall.

Fighting the compulsion to try even though we know how hard it might be to break bricks, and we know we cannot stop the rain.

That is the thing about going through.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a passing storm, or a brick wall.

The noise of the thunder will not stop, and the wall will not fall until we find the exit, even if we do it to the detriment of our minds, our bodies and our souls.

It is only once we are through that we can find peace again.

It is why we wrote that note. It is why we acted how we did. Why we need to talk.

It is done with purpose, because purpose it all we know.

In life it means you might think we’re crazy.

You might not understand why it has to happen this way.

But what you did not see, was the build-up.

What you cannot hear, is the noise.

When it comes, it means we cannot wait another year, another month, another day, another second. It has to happen now.

And resolution can only come by facing up, and working through, no matter how hard the path.

In love, it means we only know how to love completely. Fiercely. We cannot be half there, and we will not walk away.

We do not have the ability to bury the truth, or simplify the complexity of passion.

And in return we demand the same. That if you are going to choose us, then you have to choose us completely.

We are few and we are special, we are fearless, and we deserve that.

And the thing is that once we find the exit, it will be suddenly peaceful again.

Finding a way through everything, no matter what, It is the only way that we can understand that it is now no longer as it was, and that’s OK.



Ian McClellan
The Circle

Writing for meditation. Reading to learn. Independent writer. Aspiring human.