Create a Family Photo Album: The Ideal Mother’s Day Experience

Life in Focus
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2020
Tea and photos for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, April 10th, and I’m sure some of you already have a plan. But if you’re like me and (let’s face it) a sizable chunk of the population, you scramble at the last minute to get your mom a gift. Flowers are classic, a loving letter or email is always appreciated, and during quarantine, a virtual call is highly recommended.

But this year I’m going to up my game. This year I’m going to give my mom a gift that both reminds her of all the wonderful memories we’ve shared and shows her that we’ll continue to make memories long into the future.

I’m giving her Mylio. Mylio is a free photo app that will be our digital photo album. I’ve already installed it on my computer and created a family username/password. I also added 534 digital photos to get started. On Mother’s Day, I’m going to have her install Mylio on her computer as well. She’ll sign in with the same family account so our photo libraries will sync, and then we’ll spend the afternoon looking through and laughing about all the photos there.

Since my mom is an art historian, she loves to preserve the pictures we’ve taken. And Mylio makes it easy to pristinely preserve every detail. We can facetag people in one photo, and Mylio will help us identify those people in all future pics. We can put photos on our Life Calendar along with events to remember exactly when each one was taken. We can geotag photos so we’ll always remember where we were during family vacations, soccer tournaments, and camping trips. We can add keywords, captions, edits, and ratings to our pictures, and Mylio will keep everything catalogued and organized.

Posing at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Posing at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

And that’s not all. In the future, whenever I want to share photos or videos with her, I can simply drag them into the Mylio folder on my computer labeled “Mom,” and she’ll instantly be able to see them on hers. I’ve also set up a Mylio “Mom” folder on my phone so I can send her specific media from there as well. No more trying to email photos and videos one by one. No more making her squint to see tiny images on my phone. Now everything we want to share is synced seamlessly through Mylio.

This photo was taken pre social distancing

Mylio is also great because it works on all our machines. I have a Mac and a Pixel, she has a PC and a Motorola phone, and yet Mylio syncs our photo library across all of them. We have complete control of our family history, and we can pass it on to the next generation, whatever their preferred device type.

Mylio is a great gift because it’s something she actually wants — she wants to be able to see, share, and save these photo memories. It’s something she’ll actually use — she’ll be able to manage and curate this digital photo album to her heart’s content. And it’s something I want to give her — I want to be able to easily and efficiently share all this with her. It will become the digital home for our family photos, the stories of our lives. And it’s something we’ll continue to create together.

Future generations taking a silly selfie



Life in Focus

Photos are the snapshots of our lives. Mylio helps you organize your photos, streamline your workflow, and preserve your life story.