The undreamed.

David Aron Levine
Progress through sharing.
2 min readAug 14, 2013


Sometimes I rhyme slow…sometimes I rhyme…

You know. That lyric.

I forgot it once, and then one day.

I racked my brain and drugged it up. Again.

I brought it to the surface where it festered.



For that moment when attention would turn and boil would burn it back into a thing worthy of my time.

Worthy of attention.

That thing you thought about but let drift.

That one idea. You promised not to let slip.

It wafted. Drifted. Lifted into an orbit out of reach of even your fleeting


But somehow.

It comes back again.

You wrangle it. Grab it by that neck where you can wring it.

You try hard to stare right into it. To sing it.

But alas, the time keeps rolling on and beats keep moving.

So once again it drifts back to where it belongs.

Beyond the beats or ideas or rhythms of time worth focusing on.

Caught back into the flow of everyday activites.

Your pace slows back down. To earth. You lose whatever proclivities

that brought you to aspire to higher order aspirations and dreams of ovations or some kind of fantastical phantasmagorations.

You leave it. Unturned. Stone.

Face down.

No fire burned.


Shot untaken.

Swing. Not. Swung.

Dream extinguished. Before you even fell asleep.

And so the days go on.

