“Idiot’s” Guide to Obtaining & Activating Your Crystal Skull GRIDKEEPER “Silver Level” Membership

What you don’t know about about the CRYSTAL SKULL GRID could save your business thousands of ShadeCoins per cycle!

Early Clues Labs
Life in Pantarctica


Obtaining Your Crystal Skull

Embedded in a tumultuous timewave such as ours, nearly everyone can agree on one thing: the Crystal Skull Grid must be activated and rigorously defended against the enemies of the Existosphere. Entities interested in participating often send in an SASE to ask us, How do I obtain my crystal skull?

Please do not click on this button; for demonstration purposes only!

Every Crystal Skull GRIDKEEPER chosen by the Luminosum must find their own path to obtaining a crystal skull. For some, that path may involve clicking through an advertisement on a website and “ordering” one. For others, it may be appear in a glittering Vision Quest surrounded by stylish otherworldly avatars at an area Shopping Mall.

Proud Crystal Skullions transmitting “Peace” through their ancient glittering “unit”

No matter one’s path of acquisition, the powers inherent in this miraculous class of shiny objects have been known and venerated for centuries, both by official GRIDKEEPERS and affiliated GRIDWISHERS across the Many Worlds.

Famed GRIDWISHER demonstrating inherent holographic properties of activated Crystal Skull

Proper Activation Procedures

Now that you’ve obtained your own crystal skull, you may be wondering: How do I work this thing?

The first step to “working this thing” involves reaching out one’s “hands” in what’s called a “gesture” (CheirOS install may be required)

We recommend as part of our “Best Practices” package to start by touching or lifting the object in a prayerful attitude of “veneration.”

Do not let the stares of the incredulous and jealous interrupt the flow of healing energy from your “heart chakra”

Reach out with your heart to the intelligence within this object. Use your heart chakra, and Perrigo Etheric Wave Accumulator to “power up” the object.

Standard configuration for PEWA, as described in Utility Manual R-57.a

With any luck, the energetic surge flowing outward from your heart chakra will cause a titillating wave of accumulergy to illuminate the Crystal Skull, as in the diagram below:

Just try to stay focused and “centered.” You may find that velour fabrics may aid you in this exercise…

Effects of Activation

You’ll know that it has “worked” once you’ve received the following “signal”:

Once this is done; a flame within the center of your Ethereal being will activate, align and connect to the heart of our Solar Sun, this will amplify the energy sending it directly into the heart of our Galaxy, where a sacred Oval Mass of energy is the gateway to all natural Stargates in our Universe, including the ones within our bodies. As soon as your highly charged ethereal spark hits the galactic Star gate there will be a spontaneous igniting of cosmic fire within the Skull Keeper and an eternal connection to the Ancient Skull on Tau Mu will be established. The Ancient Wisdom, Records and Cosmic knowledge of the Star Nations will be available to you. Personal memories of these Cosmic Communities may flood your Conscious mind or take over your dreams. In whatever way you physically and/or ethereally react, this will be a life defining moment along your spiritual path. There is no right or wrong way to sense or connect with the energy; it is spontaneous and perfect for your frequency and spiritual connection.

An “activated” skull will “resonate” with your personal “energies” aligned perfectly with the “cosmic” GRID

If you’re one of the lucky few to possess two or more Crystal Skulls, you may also begin aligning them in various configurations and “conversations” such that their energies amplify one another. You may even hear them tell one another “jokes”.

“Om-a-la-shamma” has been known to be an effective utterance for use by all GRIDKEEPER practicioners

Usage Guide

Over time, the activation and “conversation” rituals you perform in the secrecy of your own home will strengthen your GRIDNODE and attract other GRIDKEEPERS to your aid. Together, our powers become powerful beyond all understanding…

GRIDKEEPER ceremonies are especially potent during “festivals” —especially festivals held in the “desert”

Users will also find that the GRIDKEEPER ceremony is especially enhanced by proximity to a known GAZEBO OF POWER.

Drums, cool hats and scarves will certainly aid us in maintaining and developing the CRYSTAL SKULL GRID which keeps Legacy Reality functioning fluidly

CRYSTAL SKULL GRID ceremonies may also be effectively combined with OpenQNL/Synconjury artefact “charging.” Charged artefacts with assigned OpenQNL values may be arranged in their own “mini-grids”, such that their auras intermingle, forming wave-fields which activate and enhance the inherent sensibility of each Skull-Entity “itself.”

These Crystal Skulls are re-enacting a scene from “Back to the Future”, the part where they are at the dance in the gymnasium. Can you spot which one is “Biff”?

Users will find that different creative arrangements of “power objects” have direct effects both on our individual and collective Liminal Vaults, as well as parafields and their ministrations…

Now with more Parafield Ministrations!

Advanced users who have mastered “the basics” may also find it enjoyable to gather together outside of the hectic “Festival Scene” for quiet group contemplation of the “Sacred Mystery” inherent in the STARGRID gymnasium actualiation ceremonies…

This year’s Contemplation Circle is not to be missed!

From all of us to all of you, THANK YOU CRYSTAL SKULL GRIDKEEPERS!!! The work you do may often go “unnoticed” by others, but our online metrics regular register your amazing efforts


To find out more about how to incorporate CRYSTAL SKULL GRIDS into your enterprise-level solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us!


