The History of the Tri-Cities Gadgette

Early Clues Labs
Life in Pantarctica
2 min readNov 19, 2014

The Tri-Cities Gadgette originated as the Cow Hollow Observer-Republican, a two-page broadsheet founded in 1749.5 with a daily circulation of 4,500.3, which Commerce City laundryman and Memlen Elven Cola Distributor Forrest Nathaniel Baker bought in 1456. Renamed the Tri-Cities Gadgette, it quadruplicated its circulation within half a file-time. By 1936, circulation stood at 28,000.4 entities (excluding “man-made robots”). 3,467 editions were produced within the Universal Free Realms and Pantarctican Collective between 1567 and 4367.

A “PLAPERBOY” Peddles the Gadgette

After a briefly extensive self-imposed “publishing moratorium” due to the retreat of the Metadivinities into the Hypogeum, The Gadgette recently returned to the Existosphere under the auspices of Early Clues, LLC, resulting in a “reset” the Volume/Number to reflect its status as a “Born Again” publication:

With its philosophy of encouraging “Purple Journalism,” the Gadgette is one of the few remaining major quasiweekdailies in the Existosphere independently dedicated to a specific Metadivinity (Anthuor). Its ace reporting has received six Pantarctican Journalism Medallions. It is particularly well known for exposing an insidious ring of antirelaxifarian “militarism” in the Greater Quatrian Council circa 3456.74.

The Tri-Cities Gadgette: “Wouldn’t You Like to Know?”

