“Back to roots” trip

Vicktor Belicak
Life in Photo
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2015

When thinking of the vacation this year there was kind of natural personal will to see my beloved homeland. See Slovakia first! And yes, start back to roots to find out why our country is so beautiful. Please enjoy my photo inspirations from the trip in Čičmany in part I.

Traditional pattern of the houses in Čičmany / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
When you plan the trip it takes approximately 2 hours to get to Čičmany. Once you get there you will explore beautiful world. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
This is the real slovakian heritage with all the senses — beautiful nature, peace and culture. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Typical paintings patterns are on most of the houses. Women were the ones who did paint on the house as a matter of prestige. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Patterns from Čičmany became also the official pattern for the Olympic group from Slovakia. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
You will definitely need to taste traditional slovak dumplings with roasted bacon. This classics is offered in the local “koliba” restaurant. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Wood and wood.. almost all houses are made of wood, and wood is also one of the main materials (and not only as decoration) / Photo: (C)Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Gardens in the backyards are full of fresh veggies / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Village itself is one the most beautiful pictures of Slovakian culture ever. What you think? :) / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia
Iconic hand made paintings on the wood. This is Čičmany, small village as a cultural heritage. / photo: (C) Vicktor Belicak, Picturia

This was it. Hope you love now Čičmany as I do. One of the most beautiful place across Slovakia.

You can find relatively enough accomodation houses, good restaurants and possibilities to walk through the village or surroundings. Just love it. More pictures to be found on FB profile: Picturia and on specialised Exploria.



Vicktor Belicak
Life in Photo

Welcome to my photo.medium. Sharing the inspirations I've spot on my trips around the world.