How does the European propaganda. Really, how?

Ilya Vaiser
Life in/from Russia
10 min readFeb 11, 2017

Today I was able to read fresh article one of European journalists. Someone Staffan Heimerson, a columnist in a Swedish tabloid published in Stockholm, Sweden:

Staffan Heimerson

Amazing work Staffan!

I retell this modern story of this journalist and give your own comments, as the country’s resident, where the journalist briefly stopped.

In the 90s, we thought Western journalism example of exemplary quality. Now I understand that we have deceived ourselves. As well as the greatness of ordinary shopping malls, west charm is in the past, my friends.

Read and decide what to taste clumsy European propaganda.

I lowered the side window of the car and shouted into the gloom and darkness: «! Please, help me» And imagine my surprise: eight or nine passers-by slowed down and a simple but clear English asked what help me. And imagine my surprise: eight or nine passers-by slowed down and a simple but clear English asked what help me.

That’s a change! Ten or twenty years ago, my cry for help would be regarded as a national threat. All hastened to get away. And if someone came up and he would be looking not at me but at his shoes. Foreigners were viewed as peddlers of contagion, and anyone could have and convey. Everywhere there were the eyes and ears.

Yeah, twenty years ago, a foreigner may be would have seemed amusing toy, or a source of easy money.

At least in the mid-90s, in the Ukraine, we have often seen the young American Baptists. They move freely around the country. With one of them I knew, and he behaved very strangely, trying to offer the me, teenager to drink alcohol.

But tell, that we afraid of foreigners? Or our intelligence services? Such nonsense. Author specifically gives readers into an atmosphere of gloom and horror, or just read a lot of books about James Bond — 007?

It does not hurt to remember about the successful transformation of the Soviets in Russia, which spent Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Isolation stopped. Russian could begin to behave like Europeans.

But at that time Russians were similar to modern Ukrainians. The hungry and poor. With salaries (10$–20$ in month), which would be enough only for a ticket to out of city.

Do you think, that successful transformation — a transformation of the rich and powered country to poor country. With the destruction of Russia’s business, the economy, the spirit, the dignity.

For you it is a great success? I don’t.

Along with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Russia willingly took to NATO.

Comparing our huge Russia with that micro-countries like Estonia and Latvia? Thanks! This is a very respectful and a lot of talking about knowledge of the Russian economy and the possibilities :)

I recall that in 1954 the Soviet Union sent a request to join NATO. Have taken? No. There are fools repeat the experience? No.

Although stop there. Ukraine! When EU take Ukraine into NATO? Ha-ha!

The European Union was ready to start thinking about when Russia from the viewpoints of economy and democracy will be able to take their place in the pool.

What if EU take the Ukraine in NATO now? No? Not in the next hundred years? Why? EU already robbing this country, destroying ancient forests in the Carpathians mountains!

Then why deceive ourselves, and the readers of these tales?

Never in the history was not raised the question about the adoption of Russian in NATO or the EU. Never.

People began to speak courageous in the press, which became more and more free.

Dear journalist forgot to tell. What’s in the 90th free press belonged to the oligarchic clans. Who is torn between plunder of our country and money transfer to Europe and US.

Ordinary people, like my family and I thought about food and survival.

Russian went to the Louvre to admire the paintings and Courchevel in winter sports. And these were not the oligarchs, thieves, and the representatives of the new middle class, which does not exist in the dreams of Lenin.

Dear journalist. You confused the era of Putin and Yeltsin . In the 90s a trip to the Louvre could make only very rich people in our country. Oligarchs and thieves, as you say.

And now it is available to the working class. This is the achievement of the Putin government in the late 2000s.

In addition, due to the Winter Olympics, we have own cool resorts. Where now we go to rest. Again, thanks to our government.

Domestic tourism is also growing, thanks to your sanctions.

They are willing to deepen in the theme of “our president has made Russia great again.” Yes, the biggest country in the world again, playing in the big leagues.

Again, Staffan, you mixed era. Two accidents in a row — pattern?

Drunken Yeltsin. American chicken legs “Bush legs” as humanitarian aid. Impoverished and declining population. War within the country’s borders. No influence on international politics and the presence of external control — you call the big leagues?

Scary to think what is the lower.

I sat in the car, and my eyes met with Russian eyes. He belonged to the younger generation no longer lowers his eyes on his shoes.

My friend Staffan, believe me, our eyes never fell on your shoes.

Can I get the usual pleasant St. Petersburg residents say that they think of colorless President Vladimir Putin with fish eyes?

Sorry, but this picture of the King of Sweden, which I took from Wikipedia. For reference — Sweden is a constitutional monarchy and the king is the head of state.

Now I want to hear about the the colored King of Sweden with bright eyes. Do not so ridiculous now, right?

Carl XVI Gustaf — colored King of Sweden

Vladimir Putin has increased the territory of their country, capturing South Ossetia in a war with Georgia

Journalist wrong? Like CNN, which showed the video of shooting Georgian rocket launchers under the guise of a Russian attack?

It’s a long national conflicts and Georgia in 2008, after the infusion of American money and military trainers, bought up all obsolete military equipment in Europe attacked South Ossetia. Starting this local war with the murder of the Russian peacekeepers. Who are there under a UN mandate.

And Ossetia is not a part of Russia. It is an independent state. They do not want to have anything to do with Georgia and make them to be a part of Georgia can only be killing all the Ossetians.

This is so for Europeans?

And dragged the big beautiful Crimea without any obstruction from the UN, EU and NATO.

Yeah, on the background of NATO’s plans to seize the Crimea and the construction of NATO military bases, demarche of inhabitants of the Crimea peninsula is seen from Europe as very terrible act.

The journalist forgot to add that the Crimea has more than two hundred years of history in Russia Empire and Soviet Russia. It is not regular region of Ukraine, but is a separate autonomous republic. With its own parliament and government.

Journalist forgot that Ukrainian army voluntarily withdrew from the territory of Crimea. And democratic process of transition from one jurisdiction to another jurisdiction has passed without a single shot. More than 90% of the population voted for secession from Ukraine.

It is so unusual for a EU/US policy, which means bloody conflicts and carpet bombing from aircraft carriers?

Sorry to disappoint you, EU/US.

And now just intensifies the war in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

Dear journalist. I am also surprised Russian inaction in this conflict. Why we can not support the rebels with weapons and money, as do the United States and Europe in the Middle East?

We criticize Putin and the government for indecision and inaction in this conflict. At the time, when Ukraine’s pro-American government gives orders to bombard the city of Donetsk and Lugansk. When every day for thousands of residential areas falling bombs Russia does not do anything.

However, the European Union, does not do anything to end the conflict. EU are so convenient to plunder the Ukraine at that time.

I was very fascinated by the joint photographs of the OSCE mission and the Ukrainian tanks in Avdeevka. In a place where all the agreements should not be a weapon.

So, tell more stories about Russian aggression.

Putin was the third-Russian spy in East Germany. His path to the top was passing through the city of St. Petersburg Administration, signed a contract with the local mafia. In Putin’s there was nothing on which we could build a power — no troops, no political party or help colleagues from the former KGB.

Yeah, like Obama, third-rate lawyer, who did not have any military support or the support of the FBI?

Journalist forgot to talk about the political career of the Russian president.

We can assume it is a lie and a provocation?

“Putin’s power is limited circles of his personal protection”, — said one analyst in the field of security.

EU journalists education limited three classes of a elementary school, said one analyst by Journalists Education :-)

From an economic point of view, everything is bad. After 25 years after the collapse of communism, Russia does not produce anything that would be of value to the world, — even T-shirts.

Dear journalist, why you can not read Wikipedia?

Russia is a net exporter, its exports exceed imports. What is in export from Russia without gas and oil?

  1. Nuclear power.
  2. Financial services
  3. Freight transport
  4. The export of services in software development
  5. Construction abroad
  6. Space launches
  7. Aeronautical Engineering and Consulting
  8. Business Analytics & Consulting
  9. Telecommunication services
  10. Tourism and business travel
  11. Metallurgy
  12. Chemical industry
  13. Agriculture and food
  14. Weapons
  15. Heavy Engineering
  16. Shipbuilding
  17. Aviation
  18. Optics devices, scientific equipment
  19. Boxed Software
  20. Tools, Machines
  21. Consumer Goods
  22. Electrical Engineering
  23. Electronics
  24. Energetics

You’d be surprised, but without the Russian tech will not fly any modern Boeings. And American astronauts will not be able to fly into space without Russian engines.

Russia is traditionally strong in agriculture, military and chemical industries. We are restoring the production of machines and equipment, machinery and components. We are leaders in the nuclear industry and are presented in the production of software. And much more.

The only source of income — oil and gas, and prices are currently low.

The share of raw oil and gas is 46% in Russian exports in 2016. And it is constantly decreasing value of Russian export.

“The structure of exports from somewhere in the middle of last year is changing in a good way. In general, non-oil exports have somewhere 56%, if you take the non-oil energy — 35–37%. This is comparable with many countries, even with a advanced” — head of the Russian export center Petr Fradkov.

Sanctions against Putin, imposed for his invasion of the Ukraine, became a painful blow.

On the one hand yes, it affects the exports and imports. Apple MacBook in Russia is very expensive. On the other hand strongly growing internal business.

For deep understanding. In the 90s and early 2000s, such sanctions could destroy the country. But it does not happen now. Obama with his tales about the country “a gas station” with a devastated economy also lagged behind for decades.

Thanks to Putin’s government, I think.

“And we have already begun to get used to the prosciutto and Camembert — grins well-dressed Russian train in Helsinki. — But now everything was as before: eat cabbage. One only cabbage. “

Staffan you were in Russia and did not went to the grocery store?

It’s amazing to hear these stories, inevitably begin to think about mental retardation of peoples. It is like to say that in Sweden all eat only raw herring.

Trading on the Finnish border in Lappeenranta stopped. Moscow store “Stockmann”, is a window into the world of western luxury, ruined.

Because Moscow and St. Petersburg are filled of goods. We do not need to travel to Finland to buy the jeans or laptop, as it was twenty years ago.

On the ferry from Finland to Stockholm, you can still hear in Russian announce “tax-free”. But Russian on board no more.

The cost of these goods in Russia is such that profitable to buy in place rather than go abroad. As it was in the 90s when we were very-very poor.

There are exceptions, like Apple, that does not respect Russia so much that artificially raises the prices. But it is very rare.

I ask, good Putin or not good, but to me nobody answers. They laugh, staring at his shoes. Impaction, embarrassed giggles.

Well, European. In your dreams you all the rich white man who had come to the poor natives to buy for cents - goods, services, women and children.

Do not dream about this.

We are not afraid to answer. Why are you doing this, Staffan Heimerson?

When in YouTube anybody can find a large number oppose Russian citizens who spend provocative interviews right outside the Kremlin.

The network is full of any criticism of the government, Putin’s deputies, officials.

A free country for free people, I think.

The same laugh as I heard from the Americans, when they understood that the president chose Trump.

Well, more than half of Americans, according to a journalist — stupid savages. Not worthy of the highest European values

Frankly, I’m disappointed. It’s disgusting journalist work. No lights, no intelligent thought. Usual reprint hideous rotten stamps.

I hope that someone from the Swedish people will read this and think about how cheap it washed the brain.

Dear reader, please write in the comments, would you like to read some strange article about your country?

Thanks for reading!

