End Times

Do Not Fear the End Times Part 103: Don’t Poke Holes in the Safety Fence

Nothing good can come from some things

Life in the End of the End Times
10 min readJun 9, 2021


Think about this safety fence of Spiritual protection again. The LORD Himself holds it up strong, and it protects us from the Spiritual dangers of the End Times. But if we disobey the LORD, it’s like poking holes in the safety fence. If we poke holes in the safety fence by disobeying the LORD, we shouldn’t be surprised to suffer Spiritual consequences for our actions.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Previous End Times Post

Part 50 Recap Post

Part 100 Recap Post

Hello Readers, hope all’s well. Today I present another End Times post.

Let me start right out by asking you a simple question. Do you put your hand in fire to find out if it’s hot?? Do you pet sharks or poisonous snakes to find out if they’ll bite??

I’m guessing that you Wise and reasonable Readers don’t do things like that. You already know fire is hot, and you don’t need to touch it to find out. And despite the fact we have authority to trample snakes and scorpions underfoot, and no power of the enemy will harm us (Luke 10:19), I bet you’re smart and don’t mess around with venomous snakes and deadly sharks when you don’t need to.



Life in the End of the End Times

Christian Spirituality writer. Visit me @ 999online.net!! If you like my content, buy me a coffee with a tip: https://ko-fi.com/999_the_end_is_now