End Times

Do Not Fear the End Times Part 104: A Godly Civilization

Only a society that puts God at the center will endure

Life in the End of the End Times
9 min readJun 14, 2021


Our civilizations and societies are doomed to fail when we follow anything beside God, who human beings (and civilization) were designed to run on.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Previous End Times Post

Part 50 Recap Post

Part 100 Recap Post

Hello Readers, hope all’s well. Today I present another End Times post.

It’s a very chaotic time we live in. All around the world, society is full of divisions and conflict. How much longer can we go on like this?? It seems like society is bound to collapse at some point. And it will. This is the painful reality of life in the End Times.

When collapse comes, it won’t be unexpected, and it won’t be the first time either. Far from it. Time and time again, great civilizations who believed they were the most advanced societies in human history collapsed and disappeared. International empires crumbled, and new powers built empires on the ruins of the old one. One day, the new powers would collapse too. And so it goes.

But are we doomed to repeat this cycle forever?? Is there no escape from this foolishness of rise, collapse, rise…



Life in the End of the End Times

Christian Spirituality writer. Visit me @ 999online.net!! If you like my content, buy me a coffee with a tip: https://ko-fi.com/999_the_end_is_now