End Times

Do Not Fear the End Times Part 93: Dealing with the Deceived

Being judgmental and confrontational gets us nowhere

Life in the End of the End Times
10 min readApr 26, 2021


But we have to love and respect these people as we love ourselves no matter what. Which is also the only way we’ll ever have any success at shifting them away from their false beliefs. Lost people need Jesus, not hate. And Jesus is love, not hate, so protesting Mormons (etc., etc.) with hateful energy is not bringing Jesus to them.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Previous End Times Post

Part 50 Recap Post

Hello Readers, hope all’s well. Today I present another End Times post.

Today’s post continues directly from the previous post on Friday. That post is not an End Times post, but today’s is because it ties into some End Times topics.

In the End Times, there’s deception everywhere. I’ve written about that a few times. So tons of deception of course means that there are tons of deceived people in our world today. They’re following false Spiritual beliefs that will lead them to hell. And they often create a painful living hell for them too while they’re still here on earth.

But anyway, they’re not following Christianity. So how should we deal with them?? We should rebuke these sinners, right?? And…



Life in the End of the End Times

Christian Spirituality writer. Visit me @ 999online.net!! If you like my content, buy me a coffee with a tip: https://ko-fi.com/999_the_end_is_now