Life in the UK/ Changes are gifts (4)_Language

Brenda Her
澡盆裡的怪蟲/ A Bug in Bath
2 min readMay 4, 2022
1. English Story
2. 中文文章
  1. English Story

Procrastinator as I am.

I’ve actually had some rough ideas for this article, for almost 2 months. But just very, very rough ideas. The reason why I did not develop them into a nice article was that I didn’t feel the ideas powerful or persuasive. They were like “Staying in the English environment can make you an English speaker!” or “Don’t be afraid of speaking! Just do it!” which were….. partially nonsense.

In the past two months, I didn't want to mention my English ability at all. I had always felt my cognitive capacity depleted, refusing to deal with anything in English. I even felt painful when reading an email or structuring sentences in my brain before speaking.

So, what made this article today?

After I came back from my Easter trip, I started to feel more comfortable when using English. To be honest, I don’t know what’s the difference between other Europe countries and the UK. Maybe because those countries were unfamiliar to me, I somehow became braver and able to convey my thoughts confidently when traveling. I didn't stop communicating in English after I came back to the UK(this sentence sounds weird?); instead, I spent plenty of time on reading English materials, communicating with peers, writing in English for the assigments. It was until today when all the presentations ended that I understood my English ability has improved significantly. The reaction time in conversations has reduced and I absorb new usage of different words more efficiently than before. How surprising!

Suddenly I recalled a scene in the Korean drama “Twenty-five, Twenty-one”. When Hee-Do’s dad told her the improvement (function) of fencing would not be like an upward sloping linear function, (Oh no I can’t help mentioning economic things..) but like a staircase function! You can’t expect to see progress when you put marginal effort, but you will suddenly see it after a period of time with continuous practices! Unfortunately, most people give up by the time they see the progress.

Same in everything. Every skill, language, goal you wish to accomplish. There’s nothing special with my experience. I did nothing but accidentally see the difference after the trip. Back to the beginning of this article. I said those encouraging ideas are partially nonsense because they are useless with the lack of patience. Every practice I did, every effort I made was not in vain as long as I had that patience to see the improvement.

And I believe it is more important to tell you this personal experience than sharing something you can find on Google by yourself. The staircase improvement function does exist.

2. 中文文章



過去兩個月以來,我其實一點也不想提及我的英文能力。那陣子常常覺得頭昏腦脹,認知資源耗盡的感覺。我拒絕用英文處理任何非必要的事情,甚至還覺得僅是閱讀 email 或是在說話前組織語句就讓我十分痛苦。







