Self-love: The key to happiness

Afreen Khan
Life In Transit
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by Maisha Mubasshira

Beating yourself up, to love others

Keeping none for yourself.

Living for other people’s dreams

Really, how’s that going to help?

— — — —

World has now given you the time,

To send love to your soul,

To acknowledge your existence,

And let the hidden desires unroll.

— — — —

Life is making each of us a case of paranoia

Mental health taking a toll,

As if the daily chaos was not enough

Now there are tears I can’t control.

— — — —

There is no getting away from this, huh?

Can I hibernate and wake up to find the finish line?

I embraced life as an experiment

But oh what the heck! This pain is no benign.

— — — —

So, self-love is what we all need

To forget the past and future, but to embrace the present.

Time to be considerate, take each day at a time,

It’s not the time to win but just to try and be content.

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Remember, one size doesn’t fit all

And hence self-love may vary too,

But take a moment and think

Think about the lost hobbies that need a rescue.

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Yes, you and I are not the same

But we are all in need of serenity,

Be it through meditation or art

Or by using cooking as a means of therapy.

— — — —

Sing to the top of your voice,

If it lets out that agitation,

Dance away all the stress

No shame today, no hesitation.

— — — —

We have been given the chance to live for ourselves

Not worrying about the surrounding,

Or being sucked into the constant race

But doing just enough to ensure that we ourselves are growing!

Photo credit: Maisha Mubasshira



Afreen Khan
Life In Transit

I am a doctoral student in Nutritional Sciences- contemplating life like never before, trying to explore the hiccups en route to an undefined success