The Uncertainties

Janhavi Raja
Life inside a box
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2019
When you’re at the crossing

Today’s article talks about handling uncertainties in life. In my experience there are two ways such stakes come our way:

1. As an unplanned necessity to the ongoing plan; I call it an “escape-route/ diversion”. For example, Student A studied Architecture in undergrad school. Over the period of his course, he realized he couldn’t handle the subjects due to lack of interest or conceptual knowledge, so decided that post-graduation he did not want to pursue a career in Architecture and that his interest and passion lied in Events. He did not plan for this to happen, it just did, thus, an unplanned necessity. This is when he had to build an escape route, figure out his strengths and get help to make the right decisions.

The moment you have found your passion and confidence in some other field over current pursuit, take up assignments and courses. Learn from people who know about that other field or subject and gain a better understanding. Additionally, weigh the pros and cons of pursuing it over your ongoing quest.

2. As an unforeseen situation that arises due to zero planning/research or as I call it “the fruit of ignorance.”

Did A do what he should have when he realized he wanted to switch paths? Lets, find out!

A was over-confident about switching from his current field to the other; he did not plan or even discuss it with anyone. He just joined the event management business. Over a year the company, he joined, had to let go of all employees and shut down operations after incurring huge losses. It wasn’t that he wasn’t good at that field, in fact, he was at par with the best employees but had he researched and spoken to people from the event industry, he would have known that, at that point, business was bad and the dependability too low. He would have known the consequences of working in a newly incorporated company and the value of his experience there. This is what I referred to as the fruit of ignorance. There were ’N’ number of paths/ decisions he could’ve taken which would have saved him the pain and loss.

To go Right or To go Left?

Now, if you come across such hurdles, how will you manage to get over and move ahead of them? You can let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Below are my two cents in such a situation-

1. In the first case: Escape route: Don’t shy away from discussing and being vocal about the change you’re about to make in your plan. Take help and opinion of your professors, family members, mentors, friends, reach out to people working in the industry you want to shift to; talk to them, ask the correct questions- You must do your research and jot down the questions you want the answers to- This saves time and gives the person, you are reaching out to, the impression that you are conscious about the jump you’re making. It’s a plus point to know what exactly is it that you seek to know. It is perfectly fine to be hot-blooded and impulsive in such situations but a calculated move is advisable.

2. The second case: Fruit of ignorance: Everyone has gone down this road because it is not possible to be always certain and sorted in every situation life has to offer. One will face the repercussions for handling a situation in blind faith. The attitude when we say “Jo hoga dekha jayega”- “I’ll manage no matter what happens”. If you have ever had this feeling, you must remember that a mind makes such notions only when it is feeling extremely bold or all charged up. A mind is constructed in a manner to gather the feelings from the subconscious and build strategies with the conscious. So when you enter a field with this attitude and you face the roadblocks you did not fathom; remind yourself of the reasons you made the decision and of the uncountable opportunities out there waiting to be explored by you. Read and converse till your mind alone is able to build the best alternate strategies.

Re-View & Re-Evaluate

Every roadblock teaches us a valuable lesson, the only way to accept it is to see it as a necessary visitor on your path to success and never be disheartened. Be positive, take your learning, “re-view” your goal, re-evaluate your plan and carry on. You’re never too late to be on the best path for your life as a life’s actual game plan is to keep shifting and to keep fighting the tides of time. Tekrar görüşürüz :)

