The Thinker, The Doer and The Distracted

What fresh hell, Really?

Janhavi Raja
Life inside a box


Hello everyone and welcome to my page “Life inside a box”. This is my first Article presented publicly. I have travelled far and wide, spoken to a lot of people from different countries and backgrounds. Well, the insights, from lives and experiences of these people including my own, have lead me to start this hobby so that I can share my observations and opinions with you all and if you can resonate even slightly, my heart will be content. I want to do little for the brilliant but lost minds by helping them see beyond the chaos and confusion, re-instil faith in themselves, and navigate through life as it were a video-game, just in real-time.

So, let me start by asking you this: You’re playing a video game or just any other game, you know it’s layout, you know what it’s all about, you’re all excited and you have people playing the game with you, but, you do not know how to play it. What do you do? Well, if you’re a reasonable human, in my opinion, you will do either of these:

1. Straight up ask your friends how to play the game; you may or may not grasp the techniques right away but you surely will play along.

2. Sit back and watch the game, observing all the pitfalls, the loopholes and then plan how to win it.

3. You will be a part of the game but not really a part of it. In the sense, you will not understand the game at first but even while observing, there will be ten other thoughts in your head. You never really understand the game and do not even plan on doing so only because you’re almost always distracted!

If most of your actions are from the third category; do not worry. You can overcome this nature very calmly if you really want to do so.

Now replace the game with real life. These are exactly the people you will come across, they will have various degrees and intensities of these natures, maybe even a mix of two or all the three but these are the people you will meet including yourself. Every situation in your life can be compared to a game, your exams, your conversations, your interviews or arguments, your decisions or analyzing of situations, building network etc., literally everything is just like a game.

Now, what is the most essential thing that one needs to keep moving forward? Think as an individual, not as a person amongst the other 7.3 billion people. Just you alone, what does one need to keep moving forward, in the right direction, with growth in this game called life? You may say faith in oneself but honestly, having faith and always saying “Everything is going to be ok” is like regression to the mean of all events in one’s life. The “events’’ will not all be good and neither will all be bad. So if one is going through a rough patch, of course, “Everything is going to be ok” because some event will come along eventually, which will be better than the worst. So, faith is ok but the real deal is Planning because one needs a direction. Think about it! If you do not have a direction, 360 degrees around you- all doors/options are open and when you keep circling, there is only so much of a radius you can cover while venturing it all. If you have a plan or a direction, however; you can go greater distances. So let’s see how and which little steps can make one a more confident individual and help one attain a certain direction. I will talk about these little steps that have helped me, in my next article. Hope you liked my first article. Adios!!

