Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month with the theme “out of the shadows”

Life Inside Dropbox
3 min readMay 6, 2021

May is API (Asian Pacific Islander) heritage month and this year’s theme is “out of the shadows.” In recent months, there has been a highly visible spike in anti-Asian hate, but the erasure often faced by this community isn’t new. To come out of the shadows means to step into the light and be seen and heard. We spoke with Asians@ co-lead Sally Zhang to learn more about this theme and how we’re commemorating the API community at Dropbox this month.

What is the theme for this year’s API month and how did this concept come to be?

This year’s heritage month falls at a time unlike any other so it was really important that our theme not only accurately reflected the sentiments of the API community but would also help empower people. “Out of the shadows” aims to tackle the myth that Asians are often quiet and to show that it’s our time to make our voices heard and to make ourselves seen. Our goal for heritage month (and beyond) is to empower people by providing the right resources and space for discussion, exploration, and learning.

Sally Zhang DRI for this years @API month celebration

What does the theme mean to you as an individual and why is it important for the larger community?

Being able to lead the Asians@ group at Dropbox is something that I’m very grateful for and proud to do. I don’t think I’m a natural born leader so this to me is my personal way of supporting the theme. And I hope examples from individuals in the API community will rally up energy to empower others to stand up and be seen and be heard.

What can allies learn from this theme and how can they support it?

Communities are always stronger with allies than without. We’d love for allies to be a part of heritage month and participate in the Droptalks, discussion groups, and other events we have planned. Even if you just walk away with one new thing you learned, or met someone new in the API community that you can build a relationship with, I would consider that successful. And if neither of those things, just showing up shows support.

2 years ago with the Asians@ Leadership team

What helps you feel seen and heard?

Recognition of the issues that the API community struggle with and taking action to help support them within your own comfort zone and capabilities, whether that’s through monetary donations, having conversations with your friends and family about the issues, or anything in between.



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