Meet Garrett Tillman: “I believe love is worth fighting for”

Life Inside Dropbox
3 min readJun 5, 2019

For Pride Month 2019, we celebrate love in all its forms. This year, our LGBTQ+ employee resource group Pridebox chose the theme Love is ___. This theme emphasizes inclusivity by allowing people to consider what love means to them as well as others. During the month we’ll be asking members of Pridebox how they fill in the blank. Meet Garrett Tillman.

Garrett Tillman

Q: What is your name, what office do you work out of, and how long have you been at Dropbox?

A: My name is Garrett Tillman. I work in the San Francisco office, and I’ve been at Dropbox since January of 2019.

Q: What is your current role at Dropbox?

A: I’m a customer education content strategist. I’m all about getting people to help themselves use Dropbox by taking our amazing trainings.

Q: In your time at Dropbox, what’s something you’ve accomplished that you’re proud of?

A: I joined Pridebox as the social/belonging chair! I’ve been fortunate to be a part of developing this year’s Pride Month theme and creating opportunities for LGBTQ+ Dropboxers to connect with each other. But the biggest impact has been on my personal and professional growth. It’s been amazing to get involved so deeply and quickly, and I’ve learned so much from my fellow Pridebox members about compassion, patience, and bringing my authentic self to work every day.

My husband and I in Mexico City, December 2017

Q: What does this year’s theme, Love is ___, mean to you? How do you fill in the blank?

A: Love has taken me on many different journeys throughout my life, across countries and continents. Right now, I believe love is worth fighting for. Getting to this point of the LGBT rights movement wasn’t without sacrifice and incredibly hard work, and we have so far to go. Our rights are already getting stripped by federal and state administrations that would prefer that our community just went away, or worse. But we’re not going anywhere. It will take a lot of love and a lot of hard work to get equal rights for everyone in our community.

My new scooter Miley :)

Q: What do you hope allies will take away during Pride Month?

A: One of my biggest messages to allies is to let us be ourselves. I’m not always going to dress like you, talk like you, or go about my business the same way you do, and that’s what makes me special.

Q: What are you most excited for with this year’s Pride Month at Dropbox?

A: Lip Sync for a Life, our lip sync charity drive for the Trevor Project. I love making a fool of myself for a good cause. 🙂



Life Inside Dropbox

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