Meet the Emerging Talent Team at Dropbox (Part 1)

Life Inside Dropbox
8 min readOct 22, 2021

There are many paths to get to Dropbox, and a few of those run directly through the Emerging Talent team. This small but powerful team is responsible for our internships, apprenticeships, and early-in-career talent programs that welcome dozens of new Dropboxers from across the world into our fold each year. In part one of a two-part series, learn a little more about these team members’ own professional journeys, their perspective on emerging talent, and how Virtual First is changing it all.

Where are you located and how long have you worked for Dropbox?

Lucy: Campbell, CA. I’ve worked at Dropbox for 4 years.

Natalie: Greenbrae, CA. I’ve worked at Dropbox for 5 years.

Emily: Bay Area, CA. I’m 2 months into my 5-month long internship.

Lexy: Based in Austin but splitting time between there and Denver, CO (yay, Virtual First!) I’ve worked at Dropbox for 3 years.

Jenna: Austin, TX. I’ve worked at Dropbox for 5 years (4 as FTE, 1 as Contractor).

Marianna: San Francisco, CA. I’ve worked at Dropbox for 4 years.

How did you get involved in Emerging Talent (or what’s your favorite thing about Emerging Talent?)

Lucy: After years of working in Apple retail and just getting into recruiting, I mustered up the courage to talk to the Sr. Director of Global Recruiting after a women in leadership panel. We chatted about my interests of being a teacher and she recommended I meet with the University Recruiting team. I found my forever job that day! What I’ve enjoyed most about my career in Emerging Talent is the impact we have on people lives and the connections we make. I love being able to create a space for everyone to be a part of.

Emily: As part of Year Up, a career development program, I was placed into this team and so far I am loving it. The experience of working with this team has been so pleasant and eye-opening; I am excited to keep learning.

Jenna: Previously I was an RC on the Engineering Team for four years, and last summer I was assigned to support Emerging Talent as an RC. I fell in love with the team, program, and interns. In January I was given the opportunity to recruit for the Launch internship in addition to being an RC, and in July officially became a Recruiter.


Marianna: I originally joined Dropbox’s Product Recruiting team as a recruiting coordinator, and after about a year in my role, there was an opportunity on the team (then called University Recruiting). I’ve loved working on youth-focused initiatives for as long as I could remember, so I jumped at the opportunity and the rest is history. I love that Emerging Talent is all about broadening the opportunity landscape for students, career-changers, and early-career talent from all walks of life — it’s so rewarding to create programs that help them thrive!

Natalie: After college, I worked in education for K-12 students and it eventually sparked my interest in working with folks in the higher education space. I was connected with someone on the Dropbox Emerging Talent team and joined on as a recruiting coordinator for product and business roles, which we hadn’t hired for in the past, so it was an exciting time to join! I remember college and post-college being such an important and pivotal time for my career, so I love being able to connect students and those who are early in their careers to opportunities that are exciting to them.

Lexy: I originally joined Dropbox’s Online Sourcing Team (OST) but I had previously worked with students and have always had a passion for working with candidates throughout their early career transition and with candidates from non-traditional backgrounds. On OST, I had an opportunity to support hiring for our IGNITE Apprentice program, which is a six-month paid apprenticeship for candidates from non-traditional tech backgrounds. Prior to Dropbox, I worked at a coding bootcamp where I developed partnerships with companies for these exact kind of opportunities to help create pathways for individuals making a career transition. I was thrilled to support this program and combine so many of my interests and passions of supporting early career talent while providing opportunities for candidates from non-traditional backgrounds to succeed at Dropbox. As soon as there was an opening on the emerging talent team full-time, I jumped at the opportunity to transition over as a recruiter.

How is Virtual First changing the game for Emerging Talent?

Lucy: We are no longer limited to a time and place, which means we can hire more amazing people from all over North America and we can build a program that serves everyone equally.

Emily: I constantly see the team finding innovative ways to make group interactions feel inclusive and fun! As a 100% virtual company, defining what it means to be a Dropboxer to today’s candidate has also evolved with the company.

Jenna: I love that Virtual First has allowed Dropbox and Emerging Talent to hire amazing talent from more locations and it’s not just limited to specific locations where we had Dropbox Offices.

Left: Brutus is usually passed out on his bed on the desk; Right: Working from home allows you to become a crazy plant lady!

Marianna: Virtual First has really pushed our team to think creatively around how we operate. We now engage with and hire candidates from a wide range of locations, and we host a variety of interactive events and experiences that help them foster meaningful connections virtually. From puzzle hunts to succulent potting, boba making, and buddy meetups, we find exciting ways to build community in this distributed space.

Natalie: So much of our team’s pre-Virtual First work relied on being in an office, but I think we’ve done a great job of translating previously in-person events into virtual experiences for the populations we support, which can be a challenge when Zoom fatigue is high! Between recruiting and employee/program engagements, we’ve had lots of opportunities to see what works and what needs tweaking in a virtual context.

Left: Natalie’s favorite after-work walk; Right: Natalie’s coworker Bao

Have you implemented any behaviors or changed anything about your remote work environment to adjust for success in Virtual First?

Lucy: I set up a monthly coffee chat with all the Dropboxers I’ve hired over the years. You never know who will show up to it, but the authentic connections and candid conversation always brighten my day.

Emily: Reoccurring 1:1s are something I look forward to, especially with coworkers — just to keep up with one another both professionally and personally, and building more of a positive team camaraderie.

Natalie: When we transitioned to Virtual First, a tip that really stuck with me was the idea of repurposing the time I used to spend commuting. I collected an embarrassing number of plants while working from home, so now my morning routine includes lots of plant TLC instead of rushing onto a bus or rideshare!

How has Virtual First had an impact on your life?

Lucy: I’m a new mom, so it’s been a new skill to learn to balance remote work and life as a parent. Virtual First has helped me to be more intentional with my time through our Core Collaboration Hours — having the space for work and connection, but also allowing me to dedicate my time to be with family too.

Left: Lucy with her husband Warren and their daughter Harper; Right: Lucy has turned her Dropbox t-shirt collection into a blanket!

Emily: I think when you work from home, alone, you have more of a sense of responsibility to yourself and the company — you can really look into what it is you need to change and address to be a better colleague and employee.

Jenna: Working virtually, I had the opportunity to support and then move over fully to the Emerging Talent team whereas before, being in Austin, it might not have been as clear of an option or an easy transition. Working from home has allowed me to cook and bake more too!

Marianna: I’ve come to really appreciate the flexibility that Virtual First affords. I’ve been in the Bay Area most of my life, but earlier this year, I spent a month working from New York to experience temporarily living in a different city. I also adopted a pup a few months back because working remotely has given me the time and space to take care of a pet for the first time.

Left: Marianna’s pup Ollie; Right: Marianna’s WFH NYC space

Natalie: I loved living in San Francisco, but I’m really grateful that Virtual First allowed me to move closer to family without being worried about taking on a longer commute. I’m still close enough that I’m looking forward to in-person connections in a Studio, but my new environment in the North Bay Area has been a great place to grow some roots and get some great after-work outdoor time.

Lexy: Virtual First has given me the opportunity to spend the summer #optingoutside and hitting the mountains! My lease was up in Austin, so I decided to escape the Texas heat and hit the road with my pup and explore Colorado. I am so grateful for the flexibility that Virtual First provides us to explore a new location and take more ownership over our day-to-day.

Left: Lexy fangirling for fall in Colorado!; Bob and Lexy hiking adventures

Interested in learning more about the Emerging Talent team, and bookmarking future opportunities that might be the right fit for you? Get all the information you need on our jobs site.



Life Inside Dropbox

Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace that helps people and teams focus on the work that matters.