No matter where we work: Sara and Florian talk about how their teammates make Dropbox Dublin unique

Life Inside Dropbox
3 min readJun 18, 2019
Some of the Dropbox Dublin team

At Dropbox, we try to make sure that all our offices feel important and an integral part of our company’s operations and future. We’re lucky to have offices outside our San Francisco headquarters that are filled with brilliant people and their own unique vibes. Our Dublin location, which also serves as our international headquarters, is home to a tight-knit group of over 200 employees, including Sara and Florian.

Sara, originally from Sweden, moved to Cork a few years before accepting her position at Dropbox and relocating to Dublin. She said her first few weeks in the Dublin office were a little overwhelming — in the best possible way.


“There was so much creativity and open-mindedness that I wasn’t exposed to before. People were super helpful and generally very interested in you, who you are, and where you come from. And they cared about your opinion! I had just joined the company, but a lot of senior people were asking for my opinion on things. There was such a warm feeling, everyone was so friendly. I got the sense that I made the right choice, and they made me feel so welcome. Four years later, that’s why I’m still here!”

Florian, on the other hand, already lived in Dublin when he started at Dropbox. But he, too, found that his new teammates were in a class of their own compared to previous companies he had worked for. Their openness and helpfulness made it easy to work efficiently in a positive environment.


“Due to the nature of the office here, it’s quite easy to get in touch with everyone. The culture is really proactive; people come to you a lot, especially when you’ve just started. We are nice people. It might sound stupid, but we really do hire kind and nice people throughout the company.”

As kind as people at Dropbox are, working halfway across the world from headquarters presents its own set of challenges. Sara, Florian, and their teammates have figured out creative ways to work collaboratively without having to sacrifice a healthy work life balance. But being so far from the excitement of events and announcements can still feel strange, something that we’ve worked hard to remedy.

Sara said, “Most of our senior execs are based out of the SF office. So when there’s a new launch or big changes they get to know about it first, and you learn about it the second day. So you miss that buzz and that opportunity to give immediate feedback. But I think senior management does quite a good job communicating to the Dublin office to make us feel part of that. They don’t want us to ever feel like we’re missing out. If there is a celebration in San Francisco, they bring out the champagne here as well, just so we’re feeling part of it.”

The Dublin office also hosts their own celebrations year-round, such as summer picnics and Christmas parties. This gives their small group even more chances to feel close, and to celebrate in their own way.

“We have our own office parties; we don’t fly to San Francisco for that,” said Florian. “It makes us feel that we are important enough by ourselves to have our own. We don’t need to go to San Francisco because that’s where you should be. We don’t have to go there to advance our career either. That’s really cool.”

Interested in making a move to Dublin, or learning more about our other global offices? New opportunities pop up every day! Take a look at our current job postings for Dublin and for other locations.



Life Inside Dropbox

Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace that helps people and teams focus on the work that matters.